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Who came b4 who???

If Mayte were 2 come out with a new album 2day, she would be accused of copying Selenas or Jeniffer Lopez's style. Here are some pictures confronting the issue of who came up with the NEW latin/pop "look" and sound first. If Mayte started the look, Selena made it popular when fame came knocking at Selenas door. Selena took latin/pop 2 a whole different level... BUT, we must not forget who started the New latin/pop sound and movement... Mayte through NPG. I am in no way saying thats Selena or others r imitating MAYTE. LATINAS have a certain LOOK, STYLE, GRACE, PASSION that comes out of them naturally. therefore, it is only natural that they are very similar in their ways and behavior. My main objective with this site is the issue of who did what first in the "AMERICAN" music industry. Selenas explosion in2 the USA market unfortunately happened after her death in 1995; and of course because of Jennifer Lopez's portrayal of the Latin diva in "Selena" the movie, Jennifer would later gain music success with her album "On the 6".
Mayte in 1993 in a concert with O{+> & NPG
Selena in concert in 1994 singing her spanish tunes

above is Mayte in 1997. Below is Jennifer Lopez in 1999Continue