~Camp Mason International Staff Canoe Trip 2003~

This was our staff canoe trip down the Del River

Addy & Magda (both Polish)

Me & Magda

Group shot before we left

Gettin ready to go on the river

Addy with the Bulwinkile hat on

Me & Magda were in the same canoe, it started to get dark and we were lookin for a camp site.

Addy & Piotr (polish team)

Me & Anna (Mexican)

Me & Piotr

Berny or as we called him on the trip "Bernyguyver"...we both lead the trip (we were the only Americans on the trip lol)

After we ate some burgers we whiped out the Tequilla.

Me & Piotr (obioulsy not sober)

"Group Hug" (Left to right) Ricky (Puerto Rican, Piotr, Maria (Mexican) and Addy with the hat on still

Me and Magda slamin down Jose

Group shot

Danielle (English), the one holding up her shot glass, is starting to get really smashed as you will see in the next few pics

(left to right) Danielle, Isebel (Spainish), Piotr & Berny

Ok so when I get drunk I lose all motior skills. So yeah I kept falling and I don't know how that Coronia got in my hand cuz I was only doing shots. I think it was Piotr's.

Here we are all doing shots of Polish Vodka. Addy, Magda & Piotr made us all do some shots. It's some hardcore shit man.

Me & Simon (Ukrainian) We had gotten into a big fight earlier in the day. It's funny how ppl make up when they are drunk.

Ok it's not what your thinking. Simon got really wild and started to shake his beer and got it all over the place. Then everyone the beer got on they started to shake their beers back on him and it was just a mess. Well Danielle sat in it and that's why her ass is all wet. Anyway I think she's laughing here.

Simon with Danielle in his lap, don't ask.

Magda was the first to pass out so they put her in my tent *grrr* So after I started to get "hellicopters" (as the boyz like to call them) and I couldn't stand anymore I grabed my sleepin bag outta the tent, wobbled over to this tarp, fell and then threw up a little on the side and just laid there on my sleeping bag. I can't really member much but when I woke up in the morning I was in so much pain. Then it hit me, I couldn't see, I had lost my glasses some where. Danielle ended up finding them which was good cuz they were $300 glasses. While I was laying down still recovering I told Addy to take a picture so I would never drink again.

Time to pack up and get back on the river

This is an awesome pic of Danielle, Berny & Maria while we rafted up our canoes.

All rafted up floating down the river

Just chillin

This is when we docked in Depew Rec and waited for Ramses to pic us up.

Addy and Piotr passed out at Depew

Group shot of us waiting for our pick up (left to right) George (Egyptian), Simon (Ukrainian), Danielle (English), Magda, Piotr( Both Polish), Berny (American), Anna (Mexican) & Isebel (Spanish)
