~My Hair~

The progression of my hair. God knows how many times I dyed it but lets see if I can get them all lol...

Me with my natural hair color and two blonde streaks like Rouge

Then I tried to dye my hair back all one color to get rid of the blonde and it turned orange so I asked my friend to fix my orange bangs and he made them pink. I liked the pink bangs so much that I bleached my hair and then died my whole head that color and it turned out bright red.

So I got sick of the red cuz it wasn't done right and got it professionaly done back to my natural color but since I had stripped my hair with the bleach before it faded out real quick. The next pic is the what it looked like after the professional dye came out. So I thought I would try something diferent and dyed the underneith my hair plum...it came out good. but it eventually faded.

I thought the pink was cool. I was trying to be Jem The Rocker.

So then I dyed my hair dark brown and Karinne cut it all off for me cuz it was just too damn dead.