My Photography Gallery

There are just some of the Photos I took for my Photography class that I used for my Portfolio. The origional pictures are far better but I had to scan them so these will have to do.

~These I took in the Marksboro cemetery~

I used a #3 filter on this picture to make it more contrasty

Can you see the ghost in the graveyard?

I double exposed this picture to get the ghosting effect. It took quite a few tries to get it that good

This is just typical Blairstown shit. What I wanna know is if they are allowed to ride the horses home drunk.

This is 1 of my co-workers "Piotr the Prince of Poland". This picture I got a lot of praise for. People said it looked like an Abocrombie add which I will take as a complement even though I dispise the store.

This is another 1 of my co-workers Dan Stumbles. He offered to pose nude for me. These photos actually got me pushed from a 3.5 to a 4.0 which I have him to thank for.