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Bernice and Ashley The untold Stories


Authors Note

Due to the continued lack of Ashley in the last few weeks this part is not based on any direct interaction between the characters as seen by us on screen. It’s just guess work ( Sorry I mean imagination of course ;o)

“We had that Lady Tara in the Woolie tonight” Bernice said as she and Ashley sat on the vicarage floor eating take away food from the boxes.

“Really ?” Ashley replied “I only ever met her maybe once or twice and even then if we exchanged two words that was all. She seemed pleasant enough.”

“That’s not what Betty thinks. You should have seen how she spoke to her tonight, she even told me if she started drinking in the Woolie she’d not be.”

“Understandable I suppose , she did try to have them evicted. But what eve you do don’t tell Dianne of she be promising Tara free drinks if she comes in every night.”

“Don’t laugh” Bernice said her face turning serious far a split second “If they don’t sort it out soon you may have a double funeral on your hands and be visiting me in prison “

“Oh dear. What’s happened this time ?”

“Mum’s only gone and sacked her”

“Where ? From the dinner ?”


“Can she do that ?”

“She’s in charge while Kathy‘s away she can if she thinks it’s best , which according to her it is”

“not that she’s biased in away of course” Ashley said with a grin

“No of course not” bernice laughed “Look I’ve lost track of who’s in the wrong to be honest , I just want them to bury the hatchet preferably not in each other’s heads.”

“So what else had been happening over the road. I can’t believe I am suddenly so swamped by parish work , if I didn’t know that it gets like this at this time every year I swear the Bishop was trying to keep us a part”

“oh just the usual. All the same people , all the same conversations. Oh except there’s something happening with Tricia and Adam”

“How’d you men ?”

“Well. Marlon arrived really early this morning and told me that it was really important Tricia had the night off because Adam had something really important planned.”

“Why didn’t Adam just tell Tricia himself ?”

“Oh Ash sometimes you men are so clueless” Bernice said rolling her eyes “He wanted it to be a surprise. Anyhow it didn’t work because she wouldn’t take the night off when I offered so we had to tell her.”

“Why didn’t you just tell her you wanted tomorrow afternoon off and she could have tonight off if she worked both shifts tomorrow.”

“Thanks for that Ash” Bernice laughed “Where were you when I needed you ! So she’s all ready and when I left the Woolie half an hour ago she was just leaving too.”

“So what had he planned ?”

“Marlon says a romantic dinner you know the whole works. But you know I have a feeling he may be about to ask her something very important.”

“What ?”

Bernice rolled her eyes then looked lovingly at Ashley , sometimes he could be so oblivious to the obvious. “To marry him of course” she said patiently

“Adam ? The same Adam that we went camping with and who works in the Vets ?”


“I don’t know Darling , I mean marriage never really struck me as the type to want to settle down”

“I’m not going to argue with you about it but I just have a feeling”

“OK I trust you” Ashley said smiling . If there was one thing he’d learnt about Bernice it was that when she had a feeling it was better to just let her ride with it until it was proved or disproved. “I saw your Mum heading into the pub with Jack earlier. They seem to be getting friendly.”

“Yeah mum’s been round there a lot lately she even cooked for him the other day. I can’t remember the last time she did that for anyone.”

“First Alan now jack she’s turning into quite the heart breaker your mother”

“I wouldn’t say that Alan still moons over her although he’d never admit it and as for Jack I think she feels sorry for him. She identifies with being left behind for a younger model and being left with the kids or kid in her case”

“How’s Jack coping ?”

“He seems to be doing just fine” Bernice replied as she cleared up the empty cartons and curling up beside Ashley as he put his arm around her kissing her lightly on the top of the head. They sat for a few minutes in silence, just enjoying being together. Ashley listened to the sound of her breathing as the now familiar smell of her hair brought a smile to his face.

“I love you” He whispered

“I love you too” Bernice said bringing her lips to meet his. This kissed for what seemed like an eternity until they were interrupted by the phone. “Ignore it” Bernice said reluctant to let him go.

“I can’t” he answered “I’ll be right back just hold that thought”

He sat on the couch and picked up the phone as Bernice left with the dished and cartons to put them in the kitchen. When she returned Ashley held out the phone.

“It’s Tricia” he said “And unless she’s inconsolable with happiness I don’t think Adam proposed”

Bernice took the phone “Hello” she said “No , No Tricia calm down” Ashley heard her say as the colour drained from her face “where are you ? ....... Ok well get over to the Woolie I’m on my way”

“What happened ?” Ashley asked as she hung up the phone

“Adam ....... He was with someone else ........ Tricia’s crushed” Bernice replied in broken sentences as she reached for her coat that was still lying on the back of the couch where she’d left it “I have to go” she said kissing Ashley again “I’m sorry . I’ll call you first thing in the morning”

As she left Ashley shook his head , poor Tricia ..... and poor Bernice she’d never forgive herself for getting Tricia’s hopes up.