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Bernice and Ashley the Untold Stories


Bernice lay in bed listening to the sound of Ashley’s breathing. Mrs Ashley Thomas. It had been playing over and over in her head since they’d spoke on the bridge and she’d finally out the ring on. She was still cross with herself for having been so silly as to have doubted Ashley in the first place. She knew he’d never be anything but truthful with her , but she supposed , old habits died hard and with a past like hers she thought she had reason to worry. At least that’s what she kept telling herself and Ashley agreed and it made her feel less guilty about having been so full of doubts that he’d actually been worried she might leave him. She sighed and rolling over looked at him sleeping , slowly she stroked the side of his face.

“I’m not asleep either” he said , startling her “You’re not having second thoughts again are you ?”

She looked at him as he opened his eyes. “ no , just trying to ease my conscience” she said

“What ever for ?” Ashley asked taking her hand and holding it tight

“For doubting you. I know you aren’t like Tony or Gavin , I am just so used to men changing once they’ve got a ring on my finger. I don’t want you to change and I don’t want what we have to change.”

“Bernice Darling , don’t feel guilty we’ve talked about this. I know that what they did to you was the most horrible kind of betrayal and I can only imagine what it must have been like for you. I watched you after Gavin and it tore me apart , if I could have taken every bit of your pain away I would have. If I could wipe out all the pain you’d ever had to suffer in your life I’d do that too, but I can’t. All I can do is tell you that I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you never feel that sort of hurt again.”

Bernice kissed him , this was the Ashley she knew and loved , and no one was going to keep them apart of that much she was very sure. She pulled him close and kissed him gently and as she rested her head on his chest she finally gave into sleep. Ash it was Ashley’s turn to stare at the ceiling , he’d convinced himself that what he was keeping from her was for her own good but every now and then it struck him that “It’s for her own good” would probably have been Tony and Gavin’s excuse for keeping things from her as well.


The next morning as Bernice prepared to open the pub Dianne stood resting her head on her hands and watched.

“You wouldn’t half know you had a diamond to show off” She said playfully

“What ever do you mean mother ?”

“I mean the carefully manicured nails and fresh bright nail polish. Anything to attract attention to that ring !”

Bernice stopped and looked at it again “it is lovely isn’t it” she said smiling

“It certainly is tasteful” Dianne replied , then after fidgeting with her hands for a second continued “Bernice” she said


“Are you going to tell me what happened yesterday afternoon ?”

Bernice stopped in her tracks , she knew there was no point in lying to her mother , she had always been able to see right through her she always knew exactly when something was wrong.

“I panicked” she said simply “We bought the ring and I had it in my hand and I suddenly thought what if he hurts me. I realized that as soon as I put the ring on I was giving Ashley the same power I’d given Tony and Gavin. And we all know how that turned out.”

“So how’d you get from that to where you are now. A proudly engaged woman”

“I was on the bridge when Ashley found me. I told him what I’ve just told you . It was awful mum , all I wanted was for him to say everything was going to be fine.”

“And did he ?”

“No…. well yes but no. He said that he loved me and that he wouldn’t lie , that he couldn’t promise we’d always be happy but that he thought we had a good chance”

“Well that was honest. You can’t say fairer than that”

“No. It was then that I realized , not only do I love him but I trust hi. I don’t ever remember trusting a man this much. So I put the ring on , or rather he did.”

“And you’re sure now ? this is really what you want ?”

Bernice smiled as the idea of being Ashley’s wife played again across her mind. “Yes mum” she said “I’ve never wanted anything more”

“Good” Dianne said hitting the bar with her hand “So I can safely o shopping for a posh frock and a nice hat then ?”

“Yeah. Although if you are going to walk me down the aisle maybe we should go together . I wouldn’t want you clashing with the bridesmaids !”

Dianne beamed. She’d been only half serious about giving her away , she never though Bernice would have it. When she’d married Tony things had still been strained between them and she’d felt lucky enough to get an invite at all.

“Do you mean it?” She said looking at Bernice

“Of course I mean it ! Who else would I want to do it ? I Ash can have a best woman I don’t see why I can’t have you give me away”

“I can’t think of anything I’d rather do !”

“I’ll take that as a compliment mum , I hope it was meant as one and doesn’t mean you’ll be glad to see the back of me !” Bernice said laughing

Dianne was still laughing as she opened the doors and came face to face with Ashley walking up the steps.

“My God Ashley you’re prompt today, why on earth didn’t you use your key ? That’s what she gave it you for. People will be talking they’ll be thinking you have a drink problem !”

Ashley laughed as they walked into the bar and Bernice looked at him in surprise. “What are you doing here so early and why didn’t you use your key ?” she said

He leant over the bar and kissed her on the lips “Well that bodes well for our married life I must say if you are already not pleased to see me” he said teasingly “The reason I didn’t use my key is the reason I’m here I think I left all my keys on the bedside table last night I can’t get into the church to let the choir in to practice.”

“I am always pleased to see you” Bernice said wiping the lipstick off his lips and turning away “I’ll go up and look”

When she’d gone Dianne looked at Ashley staring after her like a love sick puppy ,there were times she still wondered what Bernice saw in him , but then again Bernice had brought home a lot worse so she supposed the main thing was that they were happy.

“Ashley” She said

“Yes Dianne , or should I say Mum?” Ashley replied playfully

“Dianne will be fine.” She replied as he turned and realized she was not in joking mood ‘I know that I said this months ago when this all started and I know I’m going to sound like a broken record , but you had better not hurt her. Do I make myself clear.”

“As crystal” Ashley said not even bothering to challenge her on his character , he knew what Bernice meant to Dianne and he’d have been more surprised if she’d said nothing.

“And another thing” Dianne continued ‘Take a bit of advice . you’ve only got one chance. And I don’t mean with me. Bernice has one long past the stage of giving second chances , she did it and she got bitten , repeatedly ! If you love her as much as you say you do , and I believe that you do , then be very careful. You know her history and you know what she’ll accept and what she won’t. Don’t cross the line , she won’t let you back over if you do”

Ashley nodded “I know” he said “but thanks Dianne I appreciate your honesty”

“Anytime. Now with that said . I’m really happy for both of you.” She put her arms round Ashley in a bear hug and kissed him on the check just as Bernice arrived back with the set of missing keys

“hey hands off mother he’s mine !” She said gently shoving Dianne to one side and wiping even more lipstick off Ashley’s cheek as she handed him the keys.

‘yes I am” he said “All yours , but right now I have a dozen angry choir members who’ll be after my blood if I don’t get back. I love you.”

“I love you too” Bernice said as she watched him leave. Smiling she glanced again at her ring. Mrs Ashley Thomas. Yes she thought it did have a ring to it.