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Bernice and Ashley the Untold Stories



"Well it's not often you two get a night of together" Ashley said as Bernice and Dianne got into the car outside the vicarage.

"No. Well I'm sure Alan'll be able to cope without us" Dianne replied

"Yeah" Bernice echoed , half the village will be at that party for Lady Tara what's her name anyhow"

"What I want to know" Dianne asked as Ashley started the Engine " Is why were you invited Ashley ?"

"Why would I be ?"

'Well come on it's like something out of an Agatha Christie film. Upper class woman returns and invites half the village to the manor for a party and someone dies. And always right there in the middle of it all is the Local vicar he's almost as important to the plot as the butler !"

Bernice laughed "Oh Mother you have such an imagination" she said

"I'll say !" Ashley replied tying to keep a straight face "And I very much hope no one will end up dead after the Oakley hall party"

"Oh I don't know" Bernice said grinning " Is Edna Birch going ?"

"Bernice !" Ashley said fighting even hard to not laugh as Dianne nodded agreement from the back seat.

"I know , I Know I'm sorry we should be tolerant of her and she's harmless according to you but I think we both know now that she has a poisonous nature can you honestly say you think she would be a great loss to the village ?"

"Don't answer that Ashley" Dianne said "We would want to get you in trouble with the man upstairs"

"No mum's right" Bernice laughed placing her hand on Ashley's leg "We'll say no more about it"

"This is a lovely restaurant we're going to" Ashley said swiftly changing the subject

"I've heard . I'm really looking forward to it. It will be nice to spend an evening with you two away from the village , and Ashley you and I haven't had a proper chat in ages" Dianne said as Ashley looked suddenly panic stricken

"Don't worry ash" Bernice said noticing "I promise to make her be gentle with you"


After a short drive they pulled into a car park not far from the restaurant and got out. the evening had the feel of those horrible early summer days when it's not cold enough for coats but yet somehow the dampness in the air and the lack of sunshine makes you want to go home and light the fire and curl up with a cup of tea in front of it. Ashley took Bernice's hand and with Dianne walking beside them they made their way toward the restaurant. When they got inside the waiter , dressed smartly in a dinner jacket and bow tie showed them to their table. Soft piano music played in the back ground inspite of there being no obvious signs of a piano not that there would have been room for one , and the air was full of the smells of cooking from the kitchen and the mix of a dozen different perfumes from the women at surrounding tables.

"This place is wonderful Ash" Bernice said as she sat down and he pushed in her seat

"Ey and that waiter wasn't bad either" Dianne said craning her neck to see where he'd gone

'Oh mother , sometimes I just don't know , anything in trousers !"

"Would you two like wine ?" Ashley asked as he sat down

"Not me Ashley I'll stick to the gin" Dianne said

"I can't decide which to go for Ash , you choose" Bernice said placing the wine list back on the table

"Spot the publican!" Dianne laughed. Just then the waiter came back and after Ashley had ordered a bottle of wine and he turned his attention to Dianne for her order she smiled at him. Leaning forward slightly as she spoke "Gin and Tonic please , ice and lemon" she said

"Mother !" Bernice said once he was gone "Control yourself he's younger than me by the looks o him"

"And your point would be ?"

"What are you trying to be the next Sarah Sugden ?"

"Don't group me with her , I'm not married and don't have young kids to look after" Dianne snapped back

"Ladies please !" Ashley said looking from one to the other "Bernice leave Dianne be she's perfectly entitled to chase teenagers if she wants just because it isn't always appropriate doesn't mean it's up to you to do anything about it"

"Thank you Ashley" Dianne said looking smugly as Bernice then thinking over what he'd said looked back at him again "I think"


After a few more drinks and the first course the air was well and truly cleared and conversation had taken on a much lighter tone.

"So how are you're Spanish lesson's going Dianne ?" Ashley asked as the main course was served up "Bernice tells me they're a lot of fun"

"Anything would be fun with Carlos" Dianne answered ignoring Bernice's sighs and rolling eyes

"So that's why you enjoy it so much" Ashley teased Bernice "It's nothing to do with Spanish you just wasn't to spend the time with Carlos"

"I...... I ....... I do not" Bernice said looking crossly at Dianne. She couldn't help but worry that Ashley would think something was going on where there wasn't nor would there ever be "He has nothing compared to you"

"Oh calm down Bernice !" Dianne scolded "Even I can see he's only joking. Anyhow yes Ashley they are great fun although watching tricia can be a little painful at times !"

"She's not what you'd call wonderful at the accent" Bernice agreed "I don know how up for it she's going to be this week anyhow , didn't you hear that Adam has told her he can't go to Spain"

"She never mentioned it" Dianne said as Ashley sat back and looked. He wasn't quiet sure what it was but there was something warm and reassuring about watching Bernice and Dianne when they got going . Maybe it was the fact that they could be at each other's throats one minute and best friends again the next. They seemed to have a set of unwritten rules and neither of them risked breaking them. Dianne seemed to know Bernice inside out and backwards without ever making it obvious. She could predict how Bernice would react to just about anything and yet she never told her what to do , not when it mattered anyhow. He was still contemplating that when he realized Bernice was talking to him.

"What do you think Ash ? Is he stringing her along ?"

" I honestly couldn't say." He answered "He seemed to be genuine enough at the beginning but I don't know. Tricia certainly seems taken with him"

"She is" Dianne said a cross edge coming in her voice "That's the problem , I just don't think he's as taken with her"

Just then the waiter came to clear away their dishes and asked if they wanted to see the desert menu.

"I will" Dianne said grinning

"Not for me thanks" Bernice answered looking at Ashley with a smile

"Bring it so we can take a look" Ashley told him and as he disappeared he looked at Bernice and Dianne. "Well I must say it's been an enchanting evening with both of you" he said

"Does he always use words like Enchanting ?" Dianne asked Bernice

"Most of the time" she answered

"Well then I'm glad you've enjoyed it although you haven't managed to get a word in edgeways with the two of us rambling on"

'No. Sorry abut that Ashley" Bernice said taking him hand "We can be awful when we get together"

"You aren't awful at all" Ashley answered as the desert menu arrived you are wonderful.


Later that night when they had left Dianne back at the Woolpack and were sitting in the vicarage sitting room drinking steaming cups of tea Bernice kissed Ashley lightly on the cheek.

"Thank you" she said

"For what ?"

"Tonight. I enjoyed and mum just had a great time and whatever you say I'm sure you were bored witless"

"I was not bored at all and besides I like your Mum"

"Well you know what they say if you want to know what a woman will be like in 30 years look at her mother" Bernice said laughing

"Well then" Ashley answered "I think you'll be just fine , not that I doubted it for a minute"

"Pity" Bernice said with a wicked glint in her eye


"That Mum wasn't here to hear you say that , you'd have been well in the good books"

"Well feel free to tell her" Ashley answered putting his arms around her and kissing her again. "After all hopefully in 30 years we'll still be together so I'll need Dianne on my side to cope with you chasing teenagers"