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Bernice and Ashley The Untold Stories (1)


Bernice stood leaning on the bat staring into space blissfully unaware of her mother beetling around behind her. Her head was full of Ashley. They had only been together a short while but already she was finding it hard to imagine life without him. They had seemed , after their shaky start , to have fallen effortlessly into their new roles within the couple that they now were. There had been the expected level of gossip it was a small village after all and it was thought by some that she was corrupting the clergy and she sensed it was far from over but on the whole they had been accepted. She let out a long contented sigh , as she suddenly realised she was being spoken to.

“Sorry. What was that mum ?” she asked turning to see Dianne standing looking crossly at her , one hand resting on her hip and the other on the end of the broom handle

“I said” she repeated with a sigh “That bar isn’t going to get clean by you just looking at it ! Come on girl snap out of it and get cleaning you’ll see him again the minute we open those doors and you only left him a couple of hours ago. Honestly it’s like living with a teenager again !”

Bernice simply smiled and began rubbing the bar top gently with the cloth. As Dianne finished sweeping behind the bar and moved to the other side expertly weaving the brush between tables and chairs she stopped and looked at her daughter.

“You know” she said sitting down “I can’t remember the last time I saw you this happy”

Bernice stopped what she was doing and came and sat down facing her. “I never thought I could be this happy.” she said resting her chin on her hands “After Gavin .... well I suppose I just felt that the easiest way to keep from getting hurt was to keep all men as far away as possible that way there was no way any of them could hurt me again. When Ash first told me how he felt I panicked , I suddenly thought Oh no , no more surprises , I just couldn’t handle it.”

“I know love” Dianne said smiling “And so does he. He certainly doesn’t seem to have held it against you . I’ve seen less devoted puppies ! The way he follows your every move just because he can’t take his eyes off you is so sweet. I tell you as far as Ashley Thomas is concerned the number one spectator sport this summer isn’t tennis , or cricket it’s you !”

“Oh mother !” Bernice laughed “You are daft sometimes”

“I’m not being daft , you just watch he can’t keep his eyes off you. I bet he’s the first person through that door when we open” She replied “Mind , it’s as well people know about the two of you or he’d be getting a reputation. In saying that he wouldn’t be the first member of the clergy to be a little too fond of the drink”

“Speaking of reputations” Bernice continued “I wish this whole thing would hurry up and become old news. I’m used to my private life being the centre of everyone’s gossip but he’s not coping so well. I keep thinking he’s going to crack and say he can’t take it and he doesn’t think it will work out.”

Dianne reached over and took her hand “Bernice love” she said “It’ll never happen ! Ashley is in love with you and trust me he’s a lot stronger than we all give him credit for .”

“I hope you’re right” Bernice said with a much more serious look flashing over her eyes

“I’m always right , I’m your mother ! Now lets get back to work this pub won’t open itself”


At the vicarage Ashley was just locking up when Zoe came passed in her rather muddy looking land rover and stopped rolling down the window .

“Hi Ashley” she said smiling “I was just thinking of calling at the diner for coffee , do you fancy joining me ?”

“I was just headed there” he replied holding up a pile of letters “I’ll just throw these in the post box and be right with you.”

“Ok see you there” As she drove on Ashley continued and safely depositing his mail and then going to meet her.

As he entered the diner he looked around and saw her at the corner table looking avidly at the menu as he sat down with her he looked around for Dianne. He knew it was silly but he liked to hear what Bernice was doing when they weren’t together. Not because he was possessive or anything but just because he always wished that what ever it was he was doing it with her even if it was being elbow deep in Jif cleaning the bathrooms at the pub. But Dianne wasn’t around.

“What can I get you Ashley ?” Cathy asked as she approached pointedly ignoring Zoe

“We’ll have two coffees and can you bring a plate of tray bakes as well” he said looking at Zoe “Is that all right with you ?”

“Yep , just fine” she answered as Cathy walked away still refusing to acknowledge her. Only a few minutes later as they exchanged pleasantries and the latest happenings in the worlds of god and animals Betty appeared carrying two steaming cups of coffee and balancing a plate of tray bakes on her fore arm.

“There you go vicar” she said setting them in front of him “You take it easy with those we don’t want you putting on too much weight now do we”

Ashley smiled tolerantly as Zoe rolled her eyes “Mind you” Betty continued “You have a way of working it off now don’t you ?”

Before he had time to respond she was away again leaving him open mouthed and flushed with embarrassment .

Zoe smiled sympathetically at him “”How are thing with you and Bernice ?” she asked

“Wonderful” he said composing himself and his face being taken over by a broad smile “I still can’t believe it’s happening”

“I’m so happy for you”

Ashley looked around spotting Betty watching him from the other side of the room. “I wish everyone was” he said “ We seem to be the centre of the village gossip at the minute. I wish they’d tire of it”

Zoe laughed knowingly “Well being seen with me won’t help your popularity rating at the minute. Look around. Betty and Cathy have been shooting daggers at me since I came in and the vast majority of people in here blame me in one way or another for the crash”

“They don’t blame you”

“Well they blame the company so indirectly they blame me. Anyhow have you been getting a lot of hassle ?”

“Oh just a lot of snide comments like that one” Ashley replied “I’m beginning to think it’ll never stop”

Zoe looked at the table and then back at him “Let me tell you something about this village. You’ll never please everyone no matter what position you hold. I guarantee that at least half the people talking about you now were also talking about you a few weeks or months back , only then their subject was why a nice man like you didn’t have a wife or a girlfriend. I promise you you’ll never please them.”

“I suppose” Ashley said with a sigh

“And Ashley” Zoe continued “As for gossip thrust me I speak from personal experience it never really stops. Take me for example. They all love to think they are really broad minded , they can tell people they know a lesbian and they are broadminded enough to not care. And to an extent that’s true provided I’m single and celibate , the first sign of me having a relationship and I’m back at the centre of the post office gossip circle. Unfortunately I think it’ll be the same with you and Bernice , it’ll die down but the minute you do something differently to the way you didn’t before they’ll be at it again and trust me it can be anything from going to the pictures in Hotten to taking a holiday together. You’ll get used to it”

“But .....” Ashley began looking horrified

“But nothing. Do you love Bernice ?”

“You know I do , more than anything”

“And do you want to be with her forever ?”


“And does being with her in anyway effect you faith or your dedication to your job ?”

“Only to make it stronger”

“Well then ! The next time someone like Betty makes a comment that embarrasses you just remember those three things. Besides she’s worth a little embarrassment isn’t she ?”

“She certainly is” Ashley said , the smile returning to his face

“Well now I’ve ruined your reputation a little more and had my coffee I best get back to the surgery Paddy is on his own. Adam is out with Trisha for the day I think she’s marching pointedly past every jewellers in Hotten”

Ashley laughed at the thought as Zoe got up and left. Alone again he looked at his watch , 5 minutes till opening time , he’d just nip across and say hello before he went on his visits. He paid for the coffee and left ignoring Betty’s furtive glances at her watch.

He arrived at the Woolpack just as Dianne was opening the doors.

“Well” she shouted into at Bernice “What did I tell you ? I wish I’d have had money on that.”

“What ?” Ashley asked as he passed her and caught sight of Bernice coming from behind the bar to greet him.

“Nothing” she said kissing him lightly “Mother behave !”

Dianne watched as she took him by the hand and lead him into the back. She smiled “It’s about time” she thought to herself “I thought you’d never get there.”