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Sam Giles and John Middleton on This Morning 5th May 2000

Judy :- ..... I mean vicars are human too they deserve a bit of passion but seeing them at it feels uncomfortably like seeing your parents snog.

Cut to montage of clips covering all of Ashley and Bernice's relationship

Judy :- Well Samantha Giles who plays Bernice and also John Middleton who plays Ashley are with us now , Well what a turn up for the books

Richard :- What a relief

Sam :- At last it happens

Judy :- Cause he , Ashley has fancied her for ages

John :- oh yes ages .... since he met her

Judy :- And when did Bernice see the light , cause at first she was very resistant

Sam :- Well he finally told her , I think she must have had an inkling but shut her eyes to it until he actually told her and then she was really nasty to him , and then she sort of thought , well she's had such nightmares with men in the past that she might as well go for it

Judy :- And you really think the vicar would be her type ?

Sam :- No , no not really because she goes for all these muscle types [to John] No offence

John :- No none taken

Sam :- [cont] really macho men , but because of the bad luck she's had her mother sort of says to her , you know he thinks the world of you it might be worth a go

Richard :- You know you [pointing to Judy] said in your introduction that it was kind of like watching your parents snog but I thought vicars had sort of a naughty appeal to women

Judy ;- No that's priests

Sam :- Well some women do John's getting some kinky letters [to John] aren't you?

John :- Yes I think it's a dog collar thing , it's the whiff of the unattainable

Judy :- but also do you get any critical letters ?

John:- I haven't as yet but the story line has just kicked in

Judy :- I mean you sort of feel that vicars don't , not unless their married anyhow

John :- Well from what we hear vicar's do

Sam :- Well he should be really , not before marriage

Judy :- No you should be feeling a bit tortured really shouldn't you

John :- Well I did think that at the beginning but actually it's quite interesting what we've done with the plot because if it was just Ashley wanting to have sex with Bernice but feeling eh couldn't that's just a personal thing between the two of them but this way it's sort of opened it out to the whole village , and the whole village is involved it's much better dramatically

Richard :- I don't know our vicar down in Cornwall is always cracking saucy jokes , Anyway lets take a look at the moment you finally decided to go for the vicar

Cut to the vicarage scene where Bernice tells Ashley she wants to be "intimate"

Sam :- It was noisy wasn't it

Richard :- Wow , I must admit that is noisy kissing

Sam :- It's like watching yourself on the toilet

Richard :- it's like watching yourself on the what ?

Sam :- it's like watching yourself on the toilet

John :- It's not quite the same

Richard :- You are full of compliments for him today

Judy :- I have to say , is that the way you approach a Vicar "I would like to be intimate"

Sam [laughing] :- I know

Judy :- [to John] Wasn't it your first bed scene the first time you'd had to do that on telly

John :- Yes , yes I'd never been asked to anything like that before

Sam :- and his first snog

Richard ;- What did you do , sort of shower at the last possible moment ?

John :- Oh I was lathered in aftershave and just about anything smelly I could find

Richard :- And did you like brush your teeth just before like if you're going to the dentist

Sam :- Oh yeah mints and everything , just to be polite

Richard :-[laughing] Just to be polite because you re getting intimate. So lets move it forward a little so now your fine you've broken through that barrier together . But you've been sleeping in your bed [pointing to john] which you [pointing to Sam] are finding uncomfortable

Sam :- Yeah

Richard :- So this is you in The Woolpack persuading him to stay over

Cut to Woolie scene when Bernice makes puppy eyes at Ash and he finally agrees to stay over also showing Alan and Dianne's jokes about it

Sam :- [referring to Dianne] She's got a really infectious laugh

Judy :- You see what I mean that's a perfectly natural reaction , I'm sure that would have happened in real life you know "ohh the vicar!"

Richard :- You are really planning it well , really running with it , it's great to watch

Judy :- But I want to go back to that bedroom scene.

John :- You're obsessed

Judy :- No , no I'm not but you said you were really really nervous and you [to Sam] said all you did was laugh at him

Sam :- I know I'm a terrible giggler

John :- Yes wonderful for my confidence

Judy :- and what did you have to wear ?

John :- [as Sam cracks up laughing in the background] It was a rather skimpy pair of flesh coloured knickers to be honest , and the director then said , "Oh we can still see the top quarter of an inch would you mind pulling them down" , so I thought oh no that could be dangerous so I rolled them down very carefully

Sam :- Every time he got out of the bed they were up him bum , you how they get

John :- yeah they cost £3.50

Sam :- So I'd open my eyes and see these two little bum cheeks , and that was just it I was in hysterics.

John :- Thank you Sam

Richard :- So what's going to happen do you think they'll stay together ?

John :- I hope so but obviously it's a soap so it'll be a bumpy road if they do stay together

Sam :- And you've got to throw a few things in along the way to make it interesting

Richard :- I think you should cause can you imagine you [pointing to Sam] becoming the vicars wife

Sam :- Yes well she'd just think it was great all the organising and tea parties

Judy :- Bossing him around

John :- Bernice is such a good organiser

Richard :- it's a great story line if you're up for it , Are you up for it ?

Sam :- yeah , oh yeah , I mean I think they will do eventually but who knows

Judy :- The soap awards are coming up at the end of this year , Emmerdale has had a very good year

John :- It has

Richard :- We are expecting the glitter of silver

Sam :- It'd be nice if Emmerdale got something

John :- It deserves it

Judy :- We can't show a preference because we are presenting

Richard :- Well we're not we're just saying Emmerdale has had a good year

Judy :- Well best of luck and it was nice meeting you , You're so pretty , you don't have all that lipstick and everything on in real life

Sam :- No , no hopefully I look quite different in real life

Judy :- Well thanks again we'll follow that