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Shopping and Other Small Disasters Part 1


Dianne , Bernice and Trisha stepped out of the train onto the bustling Waterloo platform.

“Ok Girls !” Dianne said with a broad grin “Let’s hit the shops”

“Oh Yes” Trisha said a little bounce coming in her step “I want to go to that posh shop you know the one that all the famous people go to”

Bernice tutted as she showed her ticket to the guard and they made their way onto the street “I suppose you mean Harrods , Trisha” she said

“I’m up for that” Dianne said linking arms with the two others “You two may be happily attached but as it seems Alan is still immune to my feminine wilds I’m on the look out for a nice rich gent that’ll look after me in my old age !”

“Ok” Bernice said “I’ll add that to my list . Trisha’s looking for a frock for Adams Ball , I’m looking for a Birthday present for Ashley and mother you’re looking for a rich bloke who’ll give you free rein with his credit cards. Frankly I think we stand more chance of going home with what we came for don’t you ?”

The three women laughed “yes” Dianne answered “But a girl can dream can’t she ?”

They descended into the tunnels of London’s underground system and buying tickets hopped the tube to Piccadilly circus. When they re-emerged they were engulfed by the huge number of people milling around , shopping , working or just plain passing through on their way to where ever. Bernice spotted a row of call boxes on the other side of the square.

“I’ll be back in a minute” she said leaving her mother and Trisha watching after her shaking their heads

“Honestly” Trisha said with a sigh “What’s she like ?”

“Yeah well she needn’t think she’s doing this every half hour. We’ll leave her to it this time then keep her as far away from call boxes as possible for the rest of the day”

“Yeah I mean it’s not like we’re away for a week she’s going to see him tomorrow lunch time”

In the call box Bernice rooted around in her purse for change and dialled the number of the vicarage. after a couple of rings Ashley picked up.

“Hello Vicarage” he said cheerily

“I miss you already” she said smiling at just the sound of his voice

Ashley gave a little laugh “I miss you too , I’m already counting the hours until tomorrow , which reminds me , I’ve arranged for Alan to follow me in his car so he can take home Trisha and your mum and we can maybe go for a meal or something is that alright with you ?”

“I think it’s a marvellous idea , trust you to think of it , you are such a romantic”

“How was the journey ?” Ashley asked changing the subject

“Long but I’m sure the shops will be worth it”

“And where are the others ?”

Bernice turned and looked across the square “Standing on the other side of Piccadilly Cirrus giving me dirty looks , I think they are dying to get going.”

“I suppose I should let you go then” Ashley said despondently

“Yeah I suppose so” Bernice answered but neither made any effort to be the first to hang up the phone. Just then Dianne flung open the door of the phone box.

“Come on !” she shouted pulling Bernice’s arm

“Ok , Ok” Bernice replied turning her attention back to Ashley “ Did you hear that ? I have to go. I can’t wait until tomorrow. Miss you.”

“Miss you too” Ashley said “I’ll be waiting on the platform”

“I can’t wait”

Dianne finally lost patience and took the phone from Bernice “Ashley” She said “We have shops here that are getting closer to closing time by the minute , if she’s very lucky we’ll let her phone you tonight from the hotel. Until then she loves you and so on and so forth. Goodbye !” She placed the phone back on the hook and looked at Bernice . “And as for you , don’t look at me like I just stole your lolly , hop it lady cause if I have to listen to Trisha for even 1 more minute talking about how perfect her dress has to be and how wonderful that great drip of water she’s going out with is I will kill someone and it might just be you !”

Bernice sighed , she knew her mother well enough to know there was no point in arguing , she’d just have to look forward to tomorrow and work on finding him the perfect birthday present.

“About bloody time !” Trisha said as the joined her again “I thought you were never going to get off the phone”

“Ok , Ok” Bernice said holding her hands up “I’m sorry now lets get going”

“I wonder if I should call Adam ?”

“NO !” Dianne shouted so loud it was small wonder that the crowds a round them didn’t stop to see what she was so against

Bernice took hold of both of them and pulled them on Toward Oxford Street before the disagreement got ugly. They were still bickering when she stopped dead in her tracks. Dianne turned to look at her and was suddenly worried by the stricken look on her face.

“Bernice love , what is it ?” she asked

“I’ve just realised I have to buy a birthday present for Ashley” Bernice said looking at her mother with eyes filled with panic

“You haven’t just realised , it’s all you’ve talked about for the last lot of weeks , it’s part of the reason we’re here. that and the fact that if Trisha and I had to watch you two make goo goo eye’s at each other over the bar for one more night we might both have walked out. What has got you so panicked all of a sudden ?”

“This is his first Birthday since we’ve been a couple how on earth will I know what to buy ?”

“You bought him something last year and if I remember from what you told me he liked it. this year it’ll be even more special ,and besides Trisha and I are here to help !”

Bernice looked from Dianne to Trisha and back again. “It’ll be fine" Dianne said again

“Ok I suppose” Bernice replied 2I just had this awful feeling , what if I bought something he hated ?”

“You won’t”


“Now can we get shopping ?” Trisha asked coming out of her shock induced silence

“Yes” Bernice said the smile returning to her face “Look there’s Selfridges on the other side of the street lets take a look in there.”

They crossed the street and entering through the large glass doors stood looking at the board telling them what floors the various departments were on.

“Ladies fashions first floor ,Trisha that’s you. Now Bernice we’ve got men’s fashions third floor , gifts second floor and books on the ground. Any ideas ?”

“I don’t know I think we should look for Trisha’s dress first”

They rode up in the small mirrored lift and as they came out and surveyed the huge floor filled with rails of clothes her face lit up “Now this is what I call a shop !” she said as she stood glued to the spot like a child in a sweet shop who just couldn’t decide what to have first.

“Getting back to Ashley’s birthday” Dianne said , smiling in a way that Bernice knew meant trouble. “Personally I think I’ve already given him a pretty good present but .......”

“What did you give him ?” Bernice asked looking at her mother in surprise, trying hard to cast her mind back to anytime Dianne had given Ashley anything.

“I gave him you didn’t I ?” Now as I was saying I’ve given him a pressie but a little gift wrapping never hurts.” She grabbed Bernice by the arm and pulled her toward the ladies lingerie department with Trisha following like a giggling school girl.

“Mother , stop it ! What are you at ?” she protested

“Look sometimes the best present for a man is directly for him at all. So what’s our local vicar into the, black , white , satin , lace ? You name it they’ve got it here !” Dianne said holding up various skimpy bits of underwear.

“I’m not telling you two !” Bernice said flooding her arms defiantly “I can just see you standing behind the bar in the Woolie making little comments and making my poor Ashley feel awful. No absolutely not.” She turned and marched in the direction of the evening wear as Dianne and Trisha followed behind laughing

“Fiver says she’s back there before we leave the shop” Trisha said

“Tenner says in the next 15 minutes” Dianne replied


Bernice turned and looked at them “Now if you two are going to act like children you can be treated like them , go and look at the dresses while I find the ladies” she said then headed off looking back only briefly to check that they weren’t watching , then ducked back into the lingerie department. As she went out of sight Dianne and Trisha popped their heads round from behind one of the large white marble pillars.

“I told you” Dianne said holding out her hand “Do I know my daughter or do i know my daughter?”

Trisha handed her a ten pound note as they craned their necks trying to see what Bernice was buying.