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Shopping and other Small Disasters part 2

Ashley closed the car door and paused trying to decide whether to go into the house or to the Woolpack. Under normal circumstances this wouldn’t have been a difficult decision , when his morning business was finished the Woolpack , or rather Bernice was always his first port of call , but with her away he though of all the things he could be doing instead , in the end however habit won out and he headed for the pub. As he entered Alan was standing behind the bar looking flustered.

“Hello Alan” he said cheerily “How are you managing without the ladies ?”

“Badly” Alan replied with an unconvincing laugh “I tell you , it doesn’t take you to be retired long before you forget how much running this place takes it out of you. All I can say is thank goodness that Marlon and Mandy are taking over tomorrow lunch time while I go with you to the station.”

“Ah good you managed to arrange something then ? Bernice will be pleased” Ashley replied taking the pint Alan had poured for him.

“Yes Mandy is going to come in just for a couple of hours until I’ve picked up Trisha and Dianne , I think after the return car journey listening to them talk about their night in the big city I’ll be more than ready to take over again. Have you heard from them at all ?”

“I had a short call from Bernice earlier until Dianne finally lost patience and hung up the phone !”

Alan laughed “Trust Dianne , tactful as always”

“Oh now , she thinks the world of you and you could do a lot worse. This playing hard to get is only making her more determined.”

“I know , and I’m not really anymore , I mean she’s a very attractive woman , just sometimes she’s a little ......... she’s so .......”

“Lively ?” Ashley said smiling

“That’s one way of putting it”

“Oh she’s harmless and she’s a good person.”

Alan looked at Ashley and laughed , “Taken up match making since your lovelife became so settled ?” he asked

“Well the way i see it” Ashley said grinning “If she had you to occupy her she may take a little less interest in my relationship with Bernice”

“I doubt it” Alan said as someone on the other side of the bar caught his attention

Ashley sat drinking his beer and thinking about seeing Bernice the next day until his thought’s were disturbed by Adam.

“Hello Ashley” he said “Pining already are you ?”

Ashley gritted his teeth and smiled “Hi Adam , how are things in the great world of the animals today ?”

“Oh fine , can I get you another drink ?”

He shook his head “No thanks , I have visits to do I just thought I’d call in and see how Alan was doing.”

Adam nodded , getting Alan’s attention. As he approached Ashley got up.

“I’m off” he said “ Alan when Bernice calls later I’ll tell her you are doing a great job on your own”

“Should you do that ?” Alan asked

“Why ever not ?”

“Well your a vicar , lying isn’t in the job description”

They both laughed “It’s only a little one” Ashley said “Besides you are doing well”

“If you say so”

“I do , now I really should get going. Bye Adam”

“Bye Ashley”


Later that evening Ashley carefully lifted the small casserole he had prepared from the oven and dished himself up a portion. He was about to set it on the table when the door bell rang.

“Oh who can that be ?” he said out loud placing the plate in the oven and closing the door. When he opened the front door he came face to face with a distressed looking Alan.

“Ashley I’m sorry to do this but is there any chance of you helping out across the way ? I’m run off my feet. Marlon has been helping but he’s got to go in 10 minutes. If this keeps up I’ll be passed out and Bernice will have no pub to come back to.”

“Of course I’ll help” Ashley replied “Just give me a minute to switch off the oven and I’ll be right with you”

He dashed to the kitchen and after turning off the oven rushed equally as quickly up the stairs to change his shirt. Five minutes later he was out the door just as the phone began to ring. As he entered the Woolpack he could see why Alan was so stressed. It was more like a Saturday than a weekday evening and now single handed behind the bar he was having trouble keeping up. Ashley quickly got into position and began serving drinks.

“Thank’s Ashley” Alan said as the stood side by side at the pumps

“No problem , we’ll soon get this under control”

After half an hour of passing each other wordlessly behind the bar while they served the never ending stream of customers things finally quietened down and Ashley and Alan stood recovering when the phone rang

“I’ll go” Ashley said “Hello Woolpack” he said as he picked it up

“Ashley ?” Bernice said questioningly from the other end

“Yep” he replied

“What on earth are you doing answering the phone. I’ve been trying to get you at the Vicarage for ages. Where’s Alan ?”

“I’m sorry you must have just missed me. Alan was rushed off his feet here and Marlon had to go so he asked me to come over and help out”

“Is it still busy now ?”

“No were managing”

“well my mother is about to lynch me if I don’t get a move on , I told her I wasn’t going anywhere until I’d spoken to you , you are really not very popular for going AWOL”

“Can you forgive me ?” Ashley said in a playfully sheepish voice

“Oh I might” Bernice replied with a laugh “I still miss you”

“I know I miss you too. How did your shopping go ?”

“Well , I got what I came for but we tried every clothes shop in central London and Trisha still hasn’t got a dress and my mother didn’t find a rich man so she coming back to work some more on Alan. We’re going to a show tonight. Mum won’t tell us which one she disappeared today for twenty minutes and came back with three tickets from one of those last minute ticket places in Covent Garden , she won’t tell us what they’re for but we know it starts at eight”

“Oh that sounds worrying” Ashley said , “If it the Chippendales you will still come home to me won’t you ?”

“Of course” Bernice answered her voice lowering making him wish she was home even more “You’re the only Chippendale I need”

“Ashley !” Alan called from the bar “where are you it’s getting hectic out here again”

“I’ll be right there” he shouted back

“What’s happening” Bernice asked

“The bar is busy again I should get back to Alan”

“Ok well I’ll see you tomorrow and I’ll be thinking of you tonight”

“Me too”


“Bye” Ashley said as he waited until she had hung up and the dial tone sounded in his ear before hanging up as well and returning to join Alan in the bar.

The rest of the evening seemed to fly by as the customers kept him busy and idle chit chat helped him from wondering where Bernice was and exactly what Dianne had planned. After they had closed and he had helped with the general clearing up he prepared to go home. He was leaving the pub with Alan , making small talk when their attention was caught by the familiar site of Adam’s Range Rover parked on the other side of the street almost obscured by bushes and dim light. In fact had it not been for the fact the interior light was on they may have missed it.

“Isn’t that Adam’s car” Ashley said looking at Alan

“I do believe it is” Alan replied

They looked on in amazement as they saw that Adam was not alone. In the passenger seat was a woman , neither of them could make her out very clearly they simply observed as Adam kissed her and she got out , getting into a car that was parked almost in front of his.

“Oh dear” Alan said as Ashley looked from the scene across the road to Alan shaking his head. “This can’t be good , this can’t be good at all”