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Shopping and Other Small Disasters (3)

Bernice got out of the lift and wondered over to the hotel bar noticing Trisha and Dianne perched at the bar.

“Oh at last !” Dianne said as she approached “did you finally get him ?”

“I did and you’ll never guess where he was!”

“Surprise us”

“He’s only at the Woolie ! Alan was run off his feet apparently and he asked him to help out”

“You want to watch” Dianne said “At this rate he’ll be wanting paid”

“Oh he gets plenty of thanks , I don’t think he has any complaints”

“No I don’t suppose he has. Now shall we get going or we’ll miss the beginning”

“I’m ready” Trisha said draining her glass

“So am I” Bernice said as they all headed for the door “Mind you I’d still like to know where we’re going.”

“You’ll see” Dianne said “Just relax you’ll love it”

They got outside and hailed a taxi as Bernice and Trisha got in Dianne told the driver where to go and after 20 minutes battling through central London they pulled up outside The Duchess theatre in Covent Garden. They got out and as the car pulled away Bernice and Trisha stared at the huge bill board.

“The Full Monty !” Trisha said laughing “Isn’t that a film ?”

“It is” Dianne replied “But now it’s a stage show as well.”

“I had no idea” Bernice said smiling at her mother “How on earth did you know about it ?”

“I didn’t , I went to one of those Ticket Master places and said I wanted 3 tickets to something girly and he recommended this”

They went into the theatre lobby and handed their tickets to the smartly dresses man who greeted them , he looked at them and showed them to their seats.

“I can’t remember the last time I was at the theatre” Bernice said as they sat down

“Me neither” Trisha said “So what other news did Ashley have from home ?”

“Nothing really , just that the Woolie was really busy.”

“Did he say if he’d seen Adam ?”

“No , he never mentioned him. I thought you were going to phone him”

“I did but he wasn’t there. he might be on call but he never mentioned it”

Bernice was about to reply when the lights in the theatre dimmed and Dianne shushed them.

“You can talk about this later , quiet down it’s about to start”


Two hours later they emerged from the theatre still laughing “Oh Mum” Bernice said trying to catch her breath “that was great !”

“I’ll say !!” Trisha said “And all those men !”

“Well none of them was a patch on my Ashley”

“Oh god help us , here we go” Dianne said as Trisha laughed “If we’re going to get into this I need a drink , lets head back to the hotel” She hailed a taxi and they headed back , still laughing.

“You two find a table , I’ll get the drinks in” Bernice said once they were inside the hotel.

Dianne and Trisha looked about ad spotting a secluded corner table. “Let’s take that one” Trisha said smiling at Dianne

“Yep it’s perfect for getting information !”

Bernice joined them a few minutes later setting their drinks down “So what shall we toast to” she asked lifting her glass.

“To men” Dianne said “Love’m or Hate’m you can’t live without them”

“I’ll drink to that” Trisha said lifting her glass

“Mind you” Bernice said as their glasses touched “Your managing at the minute mum !”

“Yeah well I haven’t had much choice , but never mind that I want to hear about your two deep and meaningful relationship.”

Trisha was about to speak when Dianne kicked her under the table ad she remembered what she was supposed to be doing. “Yeah Bernice” she said “How are things between you and Ashley then ? Still blissfully happy . I mean aren’t you wishing he was a little more .... well a little more full monty ?”

Dianne laughed , Trisha could always be relied upon to pick the least tactful way of saying things “ What Trisha means” she said “Is that Ashley isn’t the sort of bloke you typically go for and ......”

“Oh you two are awful !” Bernice interrupted smiling

“So are you going to tell us then ?” Trisha said leaning forward and resting her elbows on the table

“It’s perfect , and I mean perfect ! Sometimes I look at him and I can’t believe it took me so long to realise that we were meant to be together. As for him not being my typical type , well given my track record thank god he’s not besides all thing considered don’t you think it was time for a change of type ?”

“But what about ..... well you know”

Bernice shook her head “I’ve told you before I’m not discussing our sex life , but like I said everything is perfect !”

“So” Dianne asked sipping at her drink “Is it love ?”

“I think so” Bernice replied her face visibly softening and a distant look flashing across her eyes “I know one thing , I don’t ever what to know what it would be like to have to live without him.”

“Who’d have thought it , my Daughter , a vicar’s wife” Dianne laughed

“Steady on mother he hasn’t asked me to marry him yet !”

“Oh he’ll ask , just you wait. the man’s besotted !”

“Too right !” Trisha said “It’s sickening”

Bernice stuck her tongue out and for a few minute she and Trisha traded playful insult. “Hey girls !” Dianne said finally “Break it up or you’ll be getting us thrown out !”

“Anyway mother !” Bernice said as she motioned to the waiter to bring her another drink “What about you and Alan ?”

“What about us ? Nothings happened and believe me it’s not for the want of trying!”

“Oh we’ll have to do something about this, Trisha don’t you have any influence on your grandfather ?”

“Not his love life. he says it makes him uncomfortable to discuss it with me , so when you two do get it on I’ll have to get all the details from you Dianne !”

“I don’t think it’s that he’s not interested , just that the time never seems right. Bernice couldn’t you drag Ashley off in that tent again ? That’s the closest we’ve ever come”

Bernice and Trisha exchanged smiles at the memory of that last time and Alan’s little turn that had put an end to their plans for that evening.

“I’ll do my best” Bernice answered , then knowing full well what the answer was she asked “So is it love ?”

“No!” Dianne replied matter-of-factly it’s 100% lust”

They all laughed , then Bernice and Dianne turned their attention back to Trisha “So tell us about you and Adam then” Bernice said as the waiter placed their drinks on the table

“Oh it’s great” She replied “I can’t believe it’s happening. he’s so nice to me , and threats me really well and he’s gorgeous as well , now that’s what i call perfect !” She grinned at Bernice who lifted a nut from the small glass bowl in the centre of the table and threw it at her.

“And he has a good job !” Dianne said

“I know , me going out with a vet , who’d have thought that’d happen”

“Not me that’s for sure” Bernice said playfully “Ok mother are you going to ask or will I ?”

“I will. So is it love ?” Dianne said as she and Bernice waited anxiously for her reply. They had all known Bernice was in love with Ashley , you would have had to have been blind not to and they’d also known that Dianne was only after Alan’s body without having to ask , but Trisha and Adam , that was a whole different kettle of fish.

“Not yet” Trisha said “But it’s getting there. he’s just so great , he treats me well and most importantly I never have to worry about what he’s up to when we aren’t together , I trust him completely”

They all sighed , sitting back in their chairs and contemplating their own men as Trisha’s words hung in the air.