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Shopping and Other Small Disasters part 5

Bernice looked around the table at the other. “So” she said “What’s to be done about Adam then ?”

“Beats me” Alan said “I know what I’d like to do”

“Calm down Alan” Dianne said resting her hand on his knee “Remember your heart.”

“Yes , the last thing we need is to have to explain to Tricia why you had to be taken to hospital !” Ashley echoed

“Oh I don’t know” Bernice said smiling wickedly “We could always blame Mum”

They all laughed before falling silent as they each remembered why there were there. After a few minutes Dianne spoke.

“Ok , well we can’t tell her , but there’s nothing to say Adam couldn’t”

“Yeah” Ashley answered with an ironic laugh “cause he’s such a nice guy he’ll be the first to admit that he’s secretly a letch”

“No need for sarcasm Ashley” Dianne jibbed playfully

“Hold on” Bernice said “I think I know where you’re coming from mum and I even think I know how we might be able to do it. It’ll take a little planning mind you”

“My God” Alan said a few minutes later when Bernice had finished explaining and they had organised the finer details with a little help from Dianne. “Who would have thought two such beautiful women could be so devious. I don’t know about you Ashley but I wouldn’t like to cross them”

“Just so long as you remember that” Bernice said as Ashley smiled lovingly at her.

“Ok” Dianne chimed “So everyone knows what they have to do then ?”

“Yep” Bernice answered

“Me too” Ashley added

“And me” Alan said finally

“Ok then operation slime ball is underway!”


The next morning Ashley stood watching out of the vicarage window. When he spotted Zac passing he opened the door.

“Zac!” he called watching as he turned

“Mornin’ vicar. What can I do for you ?”

“Well” Ashley said pulling Zac into the house “you remember a few weeks ago the little roofing job that Lisa did for me and more particularly how she got it ?”

“Now vicar I ....”

“Look Zac , all I want is a little favour in return”

“How do you mean ?”

“Well Bernice and i need to borrow your daughter for the evening”

“What ?” Zac said looking puzzled “You want our Belle. What the heck for”

“We just thought we could baby-sit for you and you could maybe go to the Woolpack for a drink or two , I’m sure Dianne could sort you out”

“I’m sure Lisa wouldn’t object to that. But why ? Your not trying to tell us something are you Vicar ?”

“No , of course not” Ashley said shaking his head “Look I’m going to tell you why , but Zac mark my words if I get wind you’ve breathed a word of this I will tell Lisa about the whole roof thing. Do we understand each other ?”

Zac nodded and Ashley proceeded to explain Bernice and Dianne’s plan to him.

“Right then Vicar” he said when Ashley was finished “What time would you like us to drop her off ?”

“Oh I should think 6.30 should be fine. that way we can have her in bed before they arrive.” Ashley replied and then watched as Zac disappeared heading in the direction of the post office.


In the Woolpack Tricia and Bernice stood behind the bar. “So you’ll come then ?” Bernice asked

“Yeah” Tricia answered “Adam’s off anyhow we were going to the pictures in but we can always come to you instead.”

Bernice looked at Tricia hoping Ashley had managed to fix his part of the plan. Just then she saw him come in the door , and moved to the corner of the bar out of Tricia’s ear shot

“Well ?” she asked

“They’ll drop her off about half six and pick her up after closing .I told him Dianne would see him right” Ashley said feeling strangely like a spy in an old black and white movie.


“So can I assume they are coming ?”

“Yeah , Tricia said they had plans but nothing that couldn’t be rearranged”

“Bernice” Ashley said taking hold of her hand “You know I’d have gone to just as much trouble , more in fact , to stop you getting hurt by Gavin if I’d been able to”

“Of course I know , now lets not talk about him , this isn’t about me it’s about Tricia”

Ashley nodded , although he couldn’t help but think that there was more than likely an element of exorcising some ghosts on her part as well , still if it made her happy.

“You also realise that we only get one shot at this don’t you?”

“What do you mean” Bernice asked

“Well if Adam doesn’t bite , Tricia isn’t going to believe us if we tell her is she ?”

“He will bite. He’s got to”

“Well lets hope so” Ashley said squeezing her hand even tighter “Now I’ve got to go , I’ll see you about 6 ?”

“Ok” Bernice said kissing him gently “And Ash ?”


“Thank you”

“What for” Ashley asked , still not letting go of her hand

“For making me feel secure enough not to panic when I hear about someone else’s boyfriend cheating. I know I never need to worry”

“No” Ashley said with feeling “I will never , ever do anything to hurt you. No other woman could come within a hundred miles of you , you are the most spectacular creature I have ever known.”

“I love you”

“I love you too” Ashley replied returning her kiss “Just hold that thought , we can finish that kiss later”

Bernice watched him leave then looked back at Tricia happily serving and felt a pang of empathetic pain for what her friend would be feeling when it all came out.


At 7 pm Bernice and Ashley stood looking down at Belle sleeping soundly on the spare room bed.

“Did you plug in the baby monitor Bernice asked

“Yep” Ashley replied as they left the room “Bernice darling” he continued , stopping at the top of the stairs “Are you sure this is going to work ?”

Bernice stopped and looked at him “No I’m not sure , but it’s the only plan we’ve got so we’ll just have to hope. Now lets get ready they’ll be here before you know it”