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We DO have Meetings

Here are the details of our fan club meetings. Keep in mind the whole idea of a "meeting" was basically a joke, an excuse for us to get loaded. Thank You.

Meeting #1 - AKA Next Time Confirm All Those Guests, Damnit! 12.29.99 PM

Meeting #1 was set to take place December 29th, 1999. Steve was invited and told to confirm his reservation with his amount of guests. Did he listen? PSSH. No. Here is the whole Fan Club at that meeting doing the official Stever handshake:

from LEFT to RIGHT: (starting with the girl in the Hilfiger coat, and going around the table) Ashley, Courtnie, Brittany, Valerie, Jen, Amy, Kat, Shannon, and Maggie.

Now, I know you are thinking.. WAIT WAIT you said there are 10 members. Well, our tenth member, Johnny Wright, was absent from this photo. We DO have a photo of Johnny from the meeting though, here he is refilling his "refreshment" at the bar.

The meeting started a little after 10 PM at the Tropics Cafe at the Hilton Hawaiian Villiage (every meeting takes place there for future reference). In the beginning it was just the group above and our drinks of choice, including, Blue Hawaiians, Pina Coladas, Miller Lite, Kaluha, Mudslides, etc etc etc. You get the picture, we were pretty loaded. We videotaped ourselves talking to "Steve" (the picture) about our favorite quotes, why we loved him so much, and how much we wished he was there. After a few hours, the tenth member of Steve's fan club showed up.. Johnny Wright himself !! He was followed shortly after by Anthony, (Think All Access, hugging JC), Ruben, and a few other assorted crew members.

At this time we were very drunk and loud laughing at the fact that Steve's fan club now had SOOO many members. The best was yet to come though. About 10 minutes later we look down the walkway and who is rolling up... Joey Fatone, Phyllis Fatone, Joe Fatone SR, Janine Fatone (Steve and Joey's sister), Mandy and Nikki from Innosense, and a LOT of other people. They sat down at the 3 tables right behind us. We were laughing so hard and making loud comments like "Leave it to Steve to invite 35 people and not even confirm the reservations !!" About 4 minutes later, Stever himself walked up. He stood against the wall, and looked right at us and we again all burst out laughing. Then, Steve hugged his mom, and Janine told them all it was time to go and they ALL left to go to a Karaoke bar. So, we didn't talk to Steve that night, but he did come to the meeting, along with his entire family.

Meeting #2 - AKA Breakfast With Steve 12.30.99 AM

Val and Brit arrived at breakfast around 9:45 AM and sat at their "reserved" table. A few minutes later Courtnie, Ashley and Amy came to join breakfast and lo and behold 10 minutes later who would come up but the Steveroni himself !! (Steve ate a Surf Omelette... we think.. well, we really don't know, but it was the most "Steve" sounding thing on the menu.) Nothing else really eventful happened at breakfast, Janine came and Steve talked to her. Then he left. We had a feeling he'd be at the next meeting later that night...

Meeting #3 - Play That Ukelele White Girls 12.30.99 PM

The 3rd meeting started like every other nights, us, the Tropics, and alcohol. We were short a few members.. the only ones present were Brit, Val, Amy, Ashley and Courtnie, but we managed. We arrived at the Tropics right after we got back from the concert and not even 10 minutes later guess who came by? YEP, Steve, with 2 girls. The bar was closed though. (Keep in mind the Tropics is an outdoor cafe and we bring our own beer to drink there) so they left. While they were gone Amy and Ashley ran to the ABC store and purchased a plastic ukelele (our best investment of the whole trip) About 10 minutes later we see Steve walking towards us again, alone this time. We said Hi and he stopped to chat for a few minutes, nothing important just about how he was tired but not going to go to bed at 11 PM. Fun. He gave us a funny glance for the ukelele, and walked off to the beach. On his way back he stopped to talk again (we tried getting him to pick a song for us to play.. but he HATES music and he said if we gave him the ukelele he'd smash it.) He retracted that statement on New Years Eve as a "misinterpretation" But, we all got a great laugh out of the look on his face when Ashley informed him "Steve, it would give me great pleasure for you to bash my ukelele" He replied -- WOW.

OK, so Steve comes walking back a few minutes later with none other than Danielle, Tyler, Erik (AKA "Asswipe") While he was gone we had made a sign on the inside of the ukelele box and placed it on the wall, it said "Tips Welcome, We Take Requests" As they walked by Steve burped (cute) and tossed 85˘ into our tip box. YaY !! Our first tip, from the main man himself ! They headed to the beach and Ruben joined us, tuned our ukelele, and started rocking out on it (yes, we actually have a picture of this) A few minutes later Erik headed back, gave us $1 and asked us to sing Frank Sinatra or Bridge Over Troubled Water.. Brit belted out a few notes of Blue Moon, asked him for something from this decade and we finally convinced him to settle on our speciality... Back Dat Azz Up. Next Steve, Tyler, and Danielle headed back and they stopped to talk. Our next tip came from Danielle after Steve jokingly asked us for a "request" which we didn't fulfill. They headed back to their hotel and we pretty much called it a night. By the way everyone, the tip box was a freaking joke.

Noticing a pattern? Steve's 3 for 3 with appearing at his fan club meetings.

Here is a pic of us the next day with the ukelele and tip box.

from LEFT to RIGHT (Front Row) Courtnie, Brit. (Back row) Val, Ashley, Amy.

Meeting #4 AKA Happy.... New..... Millenium. 12.31.99 PM

Here's something kinda funny. If you look at our video camera at 12:46 AM we are wishing Steve was with us for New Years, if you look at it again at 12:47 AM, Steve IS standing there with us. Here's a picture:

Here's another:

And here's Courtnie and Ashley ruining someone elses picture because Steve is OURS, ALL OURS.

Sucks to be them......

We hung out with Steve pretty much all night, and his friend:

FUBU Drew (Dre)

Also, Tyler wished us Happy New Millenium on video.

Happy New Millenium everyone........


It was fun, we aren't putting the whole review because this is the SeXXXy Steve Fan Club™ site, not our personal site, but Stever sure enjoyed the feather boa..


Meeting #5 AKA Don't Sing That Song Ever Again 1.1.00

This meeting was short and sweet. Steve showed up, of course, but it was pretty uneventful. He told us to "never sing that song again" in reference to Back Dat Azz Up and he did a little Stever dance. He told us he uses Bed head shampoo (NOTE from Brit: Steve, you DID say you didn't wash your hair, stop denying it) That's about it for this one.

Meeting #6 AKA What?!? No Stever ?!? 1.2.00 AM

Yep, you read that right. Stever did NOT show up at breakfast this morning.

We tried getting Justin to show up, but he said NO WAY. He BEGGED our CrUnK asses to take a picture with him:

Then he walked away....

Stever's dad came though :)

Meeting #7 AKA No Ukelele

Steve was sad we didn't have the uke tonight.

Meeting #8 AKA I Will Return.... 1.3.00 AM

We met for our final meeting in Hawaii for breakfast. The whole fan club was there, including Johnny.

Steve showed up casually late as usual. We had pizza, Steve had curly fries.. healthy breakfast, eh? Val was getting her arm autographed by all of us, which Stever refused.. "He doesn't sign skin." So Ashley signed his name for him. Steve was pretty pissy because earlier that morning big sister Janine "stole his scooter" hahahhahahahhahahaha. And then he went into a little coniption fit about his "trusty flashlight"

Click To Hear Steve Bitch About His Flashlight and I quote, "Where's My Trusty Flashlight???"

You had to be there I guess, it was funny though. Steve spilled soda all over himself. Then a few minutes later Val's all "Hey, did ya spill?" and he goes into a big spiel about how he spilled the soda on himself. It's hilarious. We told Steve we were leaving that day (well, most of us were anyway) Then Steve told us he'd "be back later with new and exciting adventures for all" it was really cute.

And here's our final Tropics pic, at our final Sexxxy Steve Fan Club™ meeting.

Meeting #9 AKA Strike One 2.5.00 AM

Steve was supposed to meet us at Mc Donalds at 1, but he never did. We were just about ready to drop the whole SSFC right then and there, but we later found out he had work. So it was ok.

Meeting #10 Late Night Romp With The Knitting Needles 2.5.00 PM

So, we forgave Steve for dogging us on the lunch meeting and went back to talk to him that night. He came out of his house in perfect attire, a nice holey sweater, black leather pants, and white tube socks.

The first thing Ashley said to him was "Stever did you knit that sweater yourself?" he said, "yeah, me and Versace." So Brit asked if it was a "late night romp with the knitting needles." Pretty funny, anyways Steve has a CrUnK ass car with a tv. It was great seeing Stever in Orlando. More will be posted when we get the time.


© 2000 SeXXXy Steve Fan Club™