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We started out with just 5, and within a few days we jumped greatly to all the members you see here. If YOU join, you get included on this page. I can see the excitement bubbling inside you.


From: Pennsylvania
Age: 21
Favorite Stever Quality: His sense of humor, sarcasm, and most of all: HIS ACCENT.
Favorite Steve Quote: I'd swallow the pen, That girl's NUTS ! and PSSSH.. with the fans.. (from the Pay Per View Pre-Show)
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, part of my job in life was to make people love you. I've succeeded, and made you almost as popula' as Joey. Now that is said and done, so I'm moving on to FUBU Drew and Ruben, but, I'll continue to keep my love and support for you through the SSFC™. No matter what Stever, you're a big fine Italian, I wanna BACK DAT AZZ UP. PEACE.

From: California
Age: 21
Favorite Stever Quality: His complaining, sarcasm, and when he smiles.
Favorite Steve Quote: That girl's NUTS ! and Where's my trusty flashlight !?!
Random Thought to Steve: Steve... Oh Steve. There are SOOOOO many things that could be said here, but none of them come to mind right now. Thanks for making Hawaii so memorable. In conclusion, I want to say Stever, there is no ME, without YOU. PEACE.

From: Iowa
Age: 21
Favorite Stever Quality: That SeXXXy {edit} in his {edit}, it's the window to his heart you know.
Favorite Steve Quote: "I don't sign skin" and "I HATE the beach cuz it's sandy and it gets in my crack" (I couldn't decide)
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, I love you and will always be your rat bitch even though you are {edit}. PEACE.

From: Oregon
Age: 21
Favorite Stever Quality:His ability to hate everything, including Hawaii.
Favorite Steve Quote: "She's a fucking bitch. And I'll say it again"
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, is there anything that you DO like? PEACE.

From: Utah
Age: 22
Favorite Stever Quality:His smart ass sense of humor.
Favorite Steve Quote: When asked, "Do you swear?" and his reply, "FUCK NO!"
Random Thought to Steve: Miss Courtnie has not submitted a random thought at press time.
Name:Amy "$ Dolla Billz $"

From: Georgia
Age: 23
Favorite Stever Quality: His 85¢ ...they don't call me dolla billz for nothing...
Favorite Steve Quote: "Lance scores from downtown!"
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, Bed Head is the best. PEACE.

From: Utah
Age: 21
Favorite Stever Quality:The way he always has a quick and sarcastic comeback.
Favorite Steve Quote: "I HATE THAT"
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, thank you for giving me a trusty flashlight of my own. PEACE.

From: Hawaii
Age: 19
Favorite Stever Quality: His sense of humor.
Favorite Steve Quote: "I HATE that"
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, thanks for putting up with're a very cool guy. PEACE.
Name:Joe Sr.

From: Florida
Favorite Stever Quality:His ability to be {edit}
Favorite Steve Quote: N/A
Random Thought to Steve: N/A

From: Florida
Favorite Stever Quality:The fact that he has a fan club
Favorite Steve Quote: That's my mom Phyllis.... Phyllis... my mom
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, I love you
Name:Janine Fatone

(NOTE: If anyone has a recent pic of Janine, please send.)
From: Florida
Age: 27
Favorite Stever Quality:EVERYTHING
Favorite Steve Quote: "Steve loves ME, cause I know him personally"
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, next time I call you over to talk to me, you better listen boy. Don't make me steal your scooter again.

From: Florida
Age: 23
Favorite Stever Quality: He's the best big brother in the world
Favorite Steve Quote: "With us?"
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, I can't believe that you have like 9 legal fans. All I get are 8 year olds and I hopefully hope someday I have fans like yours, actually.

From: Florida
Favorite Stever Quality:He's an excellent documentarian
Favorite Steve Quote: I have much respect for NSYNC and all that's around them
Random Thought to Steve: Steve, continue doing a job as well as you have been

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