Adicted To Madsen


If you would like to submit a poem dedicated to Michael, E-mail me with the subject "Poetry". Anything I consider inappropriate or offensive will not be posted.

When Devils Cry (A Poem by Vic Vega)
Lend me your ears
Young provocateurs
Take heed of my words
Or I'll feed you to the worms

I'm not a bad guy really
I just never had a chance
Stuck in the middle my whole life
In one ridiculously long drawn out dance

They said I was a psycho-path
An unprofessional maniac
Well, what do they know anyway?
Those little two-bit brainiacs

Like I said before..

if they hadn't a done
What I told them not to do
They'd still be alive

There's nothing more to learn
From this little yarn
And furthermore, I could have sworn
I gave them all a fair warning

It's not my fault
They didn't have the salt
To do what needed to be done

They got what they deserved
So now there's a spot reserved
In Hell, for moi
And when I am face to face with all those devils
And they clamp me to that big red chair
I will not back down
I will not show them any fear
Here's hoping those smelly bastards,
Hack off both my ears

Because the sound they'll make
when I escape their fierce grasp
Will be so damn loud
All of Hell will gasp

And I don't want to be listening
When The Poor Devils Cry
I just want to be there watching
When The Devils Die

submitted by: "The Dude"

Happy Birthday Mr. Madsen
Almost 25 years
Stage and screen
From hero to villain
And everything in between

'92 opened the world's eyes
Mr. Blonde came alive
An ear, a cop and then he got shot
And fan fic is the only thing that will bring him back

We've watched through the years
We've read one million tears over thirty five years
Never enough, the talent abounds

The smile we love,
The voice we adore, and the glimmering hope
Of just one more,
TV appearance,
Book of Poetry or

To somehow quell the desire to learn about
This man we've all been known to call upon
In our down times
And help raise us in the good times

Free Willy, Species, and Donnie Brasco
Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill and Agent Falco
Every role we cherish and every role we wait for
Mr. Madsen, we watch and we wait
Your every move we anticipate
Success and fame we wish
For you and yours in your quest

You've made us happy this far,
46 Down, and those were some of the best
Might we say
We'll gladly be there for all the rest

Michael, from your addicted to Madsen Message Board,


-submitted by:"TsnMMFan"

Whiskey Rasp

Whiskey rasp,
raw and real.
There's nothing like it,
When he looks at you
with those dangerous eyes,
dragging on a Camel,
you know where his mind is at.

I'm his Lady Luck tonight,
dressed to kill
in drop dead red.
In those smoke filled rooms
with late night cards,
Frank and the boys singin' sweet,
Remy Martin in a glass...
and all is right
with this sad sad world.

-submitted by:"Vagabond"

Who is this man.
He knows not of my existence.
Yet he has taken my very soul.
My love for him is deep.
Dreams of two bodies,two souls.
Becomes one and our love soars.
Lovely face,has this man.
Sound of his voice and laughter.
Delights me,beautiful hands caress me.
He is Michael,the very essence of my being

-submitted by Nove