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The Dirt Behind Our Name

The dirt behind our name Laugh Now, you may think that there was some big elaborate idea, behind it, but its pretty simple. One day I (Jackie) was atThe Backboard, and I came up with this idea to start a humor page, because, well, I am just so funny, lol! So I asked Briana to come and help me with the page. She agreed and that is how we got started. Both of us, are incredibally unimaginative, and we could not come up with a name for our site. So being the smarter one, I posted a message asking desperatly for help. Some people came up with these herrondous akward name, which were cool (lol), but they just didn't click. Until this one mastermind, Crazytweets, said Laugh Now. It clicked, I liked the name and it stuck! So that is the whole concept behind our name. Nothing special, right?

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