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Questions to Ponder

1.Why does Brian wear a woman's bracelet? All of my friends, who are girl's, have them and they are from Tiffany's.

2.Why did Brian tye his sleeves in the "Disney Concert"?

3.Why does Brian always have to mention that he has a wife, he has been married for 5 monthes now, its not like we don't know?

4.Why doesn't Kevin just pluck his eyebrow's? They are getting a little bit over grown.

5.Why can't Kevin cut his hair?

6.Why couldn't Brian of kept his mouth shut and not mention that he went around Devil's Island, on his honeymoon, naked? We really did NOT need to know that.

7.Why can't AJ keep his mouth shut with these predictions? First he said that Black and Blue will sell more records than "No Strings Attached" and "Millennium" combined, it is not only making him look like he has a big head, but it is also like more things for non-Backstreet fans to make fun of Backstreet fans for.

8.Why does AJ have so many tatoos? Enough is enough!

9.Why do Brian and Leighanne match so much? I swear he dyed his hair the SAME FRIGGEN COLOUR AS HERS.

10.How come Nick got a tatoo of a shark if he is afraid of them?

11.If Kevin is always so slow how did he ever come up with the video for "The One"? It is so fast.

12.Why does Nick wear glasses if he doesn't need them? Most people don'twant to wear glasses.

13.Why does Nick have to eat all the food? --Thanks to Kristina

14.Why does Howie look like Jesus? --Thanks to Kristina

15.Why does Kevin have a house in California, Kentucky, and Florida but he can't even afford to get shoes for his wife at their wedding?

16.How come AJ and Nick didn't buy Kevin and Brian wedding gifts? Isn't that kind of rude?

17.Why is Nick so obsessed with Nintendo? He's almost 21!!

18.Why is Nick so horny in concerts. Ya'll saw the pics.

19.Do they like make fun of eachother during those solo photo shoots. I mean not like make fun of them well actually yeah I do lol

20.Did Brian get mad at AJ and Nick for not getting a wedding gift? Did he take as like an offense saying we don't like that you're getting married?

21.Do they ever think about, oh lets say the "Get Down" vid, and be like Man, we were dorks.

22.What were they get eachother for Christmas..and birthdays

23.What were they were thinking as they sat there(except Bri-Bri)with naked women surrounding them

24.What were they were thinking while they were standing there with their pants down?

25.How the hell did Kevin come up with the idea to have their pants down at the Rolling Stones Cover shoot?

26.why are bsb fans so much prettier than Nsync fans?(well this is one is just self-explanitory, look at me)

27.Why does Howie have nicer hair then most girls?--Thanks to Kristina

28.Why does Johnny No-Name get more thongs than BsB?--Thanks to Kristina

29.why does aj have to cover his beautiful eyes with sunglasses?--Thanks to Kristina

30.How come Brian has not changed his hair style in 8 years? (*Jackie* I love it believe me! mmm)

31.Is AJ not with or is he with Amanda? That couple confuses me?

32.Did Brian cry when he found out that Tyk and Litty were missing?

33.Why does Brian sleep with those dogs? Like 4 things in the bed at the same time, isn't that like smashed together?

34.Why DID Kevin wear the skirt to "Men Strike Back"?

35.Why is Nick always considered the "cute one"? I (Jackie) do not think that he is the cutest at's all Brian, baby!

36.Do they ever fight over who sings what part?

37.How come in the "Into the Millennium Tour" AJ sang Brians part (in the chorus)?

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