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  • March 2, 2001-Today we added a new picture to the Brian and Leighanne Gallery. We also updated Nick, AJ, and Brian's diaries. Jackie added her review of the Black and Blue Tour... So please check that out!!!! More updates to come!!! Love, Jackie and Briana

  • February 24, 2001-Today we added two more pictures to the Brian and Leighanne Gallery, check them out, they are pretty funny...

  • February 16, 2001-We are getting better with the updates!!! Today we added a new picture to Brian and Leighanne us, you WANT to check this one out! We also added a new home video, For the Fans So PLEASE check that out!! Thanks...Love, Jackie and Briana

  • February 15, 2001-Wow, we have been gone for a while! lol! In the Video section a new catagory has been added, home videos, and Homecoming: Live in Orlando is posted!! Please come back laster to check more updates!! Thanks!! Love, Jackie and Briana!

  • January 29, 2001-OMG!! Wow, I didn't know that it was that long since we updated anything!! Sorry about that! We both had a lot going on with mid-terms and everything else, so sorry!! But today we FINIALLY updated!! All the Diaries are updated!! Some of the members have more then one entry added! So please don't forget to check that out!! We are planning on adding the other MTV Cribs shortly and some more Quotes and reviews!! Our concertm review will be up shortly considering that Briana is going to the concert in 5 days and Jackie is in 7!! So please come back to check that out!! Don't forget to bookmark the site!! Love, Jackie and Briana!

  • January 18, 2001-We added new quotes to the Quotes section and we added a new entry to Howie's Diary. Also we posted a new section BSB on MTV Cribs! SO please check it out!! Please bookmark our site and don't forget to sign the guestbook! Thanks! :) Love, Jackie and Briana!

  • January 14, 2001-We added two new videos, "I want it That Way" and "All I have to Give" that's all that we have today!! Please check that out!! We are making up a Cribs for the four boys who didn't have them! So please come back tommorow! Thanks!

  • January 10, 2001-More Questions to Ponder are up, and Briana added her comments to the Brian pictures!! School has been a lot lately with mid-terms coming up, but we have an Award Show section in the making, along with a Poser section. So if you have any conversations with posers, please feel free to e-mail them to us! We would really appriate it, thanks! Don't forget to bookmark the site!

  • January 8, 2001- Happy Birthday AJ!! It's early, but whatever! Brian pictures have been added as well as a new section in Laugh Now's Creations, Questions to Ponder. Please check that out!! If you have anything to added please don't hesitate to e-mail us! Don't forget to sign our Guestbook and bookmark the site!! Thanks! Love, Briana and Jackie!

  • January 6, 2001- We have Kevin and Brian now posted on Millionaire and we added a review of "Show me the Meaning of Being Lonely" so please don't foget to check that out!! We should be updating later to today, so please please please come back!! Thanks for visiting the site! :) Don't forget to bookmark it or sign our guestbook thanks! :)

  • January 4, 2001-LOL yesturday I got mixed up on the years, but now it is fixed. Ok we have a little itty bitty update today. We added a new section, "Who Wants to be a Millionair" Backstreet Style, you can find that in Laugh Now's Creations. Nick is the only one that is up now, but we have some more coming, so we hope that you enjoy that! Don't forget to bookmark our site and come back tommorrow!! Thanks!! Please sign the Guestbook! We would really appriate it! :)

  • January 3, 2001-We added the Quite Playing Games Review. We have some senerios in the making, but we may have to update like every 3 days or so, do to the fact that school is back in session after the Holiday break. But on the weekends make sure you check for heavy updates! Please don't forget to Bookmark this site! And Congrats to BSB on their Grammy Nominations!! 3 is the charm!!!

  • December 31, 2000-Happy New Year's Eve!! We added two video reviews in Video's. "As Long As You Love Me" and "I'll Never Break Your Heart" Please check those out!! Don't forget to sign the Guest book and please don't forget to Bookmark the site!! THANKS!

  • December 30, 2000-Two new sections have been added in "Humor Site Must Haves"! Pictures and Videos! So please check those out!! That is all the updates for today since the pictures took so long to download!! Also we added more quotes and responded to some of the quotes that didn't have any responses to! Come back for more updates tommorrow!! So don't forget to BOOKMARK the site and please sign the Guestbook!! Thanks!!

  • December 29, 2000-In Our Own Words is finially up!! In there you can find Jackie and Briana's confessions! Also in Laugh Now's Own Creations we added Nick Broke His Leg!! and the Real Beginning to The Call! More updates to come later, we are working on a picture section, so if you have any funny pictures of the boys please e-mail Jackie We Will give you full credit for the picture! Please remember to bookmark our site! Don't foget to sign the Guest Book, we read the comments and enjoy to read them! Thanks! Please come back again!

  • December 27, 2000-A lot of updates today!! YAY!!! Ok like 3 new sections have been added. Those things they do, TRL, and Convo's. Also the things that BSB do in their spare time, is finially up! So Please check them out!! It took me a LONG time to do them all!!! More updates to come tomorrow!!! We are probably going to add a new interview!! We are so happy because Whodaman linked us!! So a BIG thank you to them!! Please don't forget to book mark the site!! And please sign the Guestbook! We love to read the comments!! Thanks for coming!!

  • December 24, 2000- Merry Christmas!! A new diary entry has been added to Brian's diary! That's all for today!!! Have a very merry Christmas!!

  • Later December 22, 2000- A new section has been added in Humor site Must Haves, Interviews. We have the first interview with BSB up!!

  • December 22, 2000-Added Howie's Problems, thats about all for now.

  • December 20, 2000-Sorry that we didn't update yesturday but Jackie was sick, and Briana doesn't know html, lol! so we couldn't! But today we added you know your obsessed when... and Quotes in the Humor Site Must Haves. So please check that out! Please don't forget to bookmark the site and sign the Guestbook thanks!

  • December 18, 2000-The page is coming along good now!! WOW!!! We are on a roll!! Ok a new section is added to Humor Site Must Haves, What Were They Thinking When, and all the links that are up to that work! WOW that's a mircle! A Day in the Life of Nick is also up!! More updates to come soon so PLEASE don't forget to come back! Remember to sign the Guestbook on they way out, and BOOKMARK!!! Thanks! :)

  • December 17, 2000-A new page is added in Laugh Now's Creations, Problems. Nick and Brian's are up. And as you noticed there is a new opening page. It took me (Jackie) a really long time to finially find that picture, and get everything perfect so I hope you like it!! Remember to bookmark this page, and recommend it to your friends! Please don't forget to sign the guestbook. More updates to come later since Christmas break is approaching! Thanks for visiting the site!

  • December 16, 2000-OK so this is just the beginning of our awsome page!! Don't worry if some links aren't working, because many of them are not up yet. Contray to popular belief a site takes a long time to do, and you need to devote a lot of time to it! So the things that are up right now are that all the diary's are up. A day in the life of Brian and Kevin are up. About Us is up and some Links are up. Please sign the Guestbook we would really appriate it thanks! :) We hope you like our site!
