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Weird Girl #1

What I Suspect She Looks Like:

Our Conversation:

Radishpoo: ello

ChickenGirlNo2: and you are.......

Radishpoo: i love the name, and i love ur music taste......BSB!!

ChickenGirlNo2: hehe. Yup. I love BSB.

Radishpoo: i love them too!!!!!!!!

ChickenGirlNo2: hahaha. which one is your favorite?


Radishpoo: u?

ChickenGirlNo2: heh. same.

Radishpoo: well, id prefer not to talk to u

ChickenGirlNo2: haha. alright.

Radishpoo: he's mine!!

ChickenGirlNo2: alright then. take him. i'll take one of the other ones. =)

Radishpoo: good deal!!

Radishpoo: who u gonna have?

ChickenGirlNo2: ummmm.....nick?

Radishpoo: ye, go for the ugliest one!!

ChickenGirlNo2: okay i will.

Radishpoo: although my best buddy danielle loves him........

ChickenGirlNo2: okay then. danielle can have nick. can i have aj?

Radishpoo: no, hes my second fave!!! go for Kevin

ChickenGirlNo2: i don't want kevin. kevin talks too slow. that would drive me insane.

ChickenGirlNo2: I'll take brian.

Radishpoo: take him!!

ChickenGirlNo2: yay!

Radishpoo: well weve got that sorted

ChickenGirlNo2: yes we do. now i can go to bed. =) bye.

Radishpoo: bye!!

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