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I'm sure you've all heard about Nick's arrest at a club in Tampa last week. If you haven't....go check it out at because I am one lazy bitch right now, and I don't feel like posting an article. Anyway...onto my opinion of the matter. I think everyone is making his arrest way bigger than it needs to be...including Nick himself. He was reportedly bawling as they cuffed him and shoved him in the police car while onlookers laughed at him. He was actually heard saying "I don't know what to do, I've never been arrested before," and "You just want to arrest a Backstreet Boy." I know I'm going to get hatemail for this....but I would be laughing at him too. It's MINOR charges people and it's not that big of a deal. He didn't need to be crying over it. He's loaded, he can get the best lawyer available and probably won't even have to show up in court.

Like I said, if I had been there I probably would have been laughing at him...but I don't think I would call him a crybaby or a pussy. Those of you that did need to fuck off. Think about the last time you had a good cry and then imagine everyone in the US watching you and discussing it. Besides, he had a very strange upbringing. His mom is a psycho and he's been in the spotlight since he was 12. Of course he's not normal. He's going to react strangely to certain things because he has no real life experience. He has no concept of what a normal life is.

The last thing I wanted to discuss is fan reaction. Those of you sending out "Support Petitions" and telling us that we should continue to be fans are fucking morons. Nobody is going to stop liking Nick because of this. And if there is someone out there who is that stupid, they're not going to change their mind about it just because you told them to. Also, to those of you claiming that Nick is innocent and the charges should be dropped, you are an even bigger dumbass then whoever is sending out those petitions. Nick is not innocent. He deserved to be arrested. The police in Florida are extremely lenient. They gave him ten chances to leave and then counted to three before arresting him. If he didn't take those chances, he deserved everything he got. Don't email me and tell me that Nick believes he's innocent too. I'm well aware of what he's been saying to the press: "I did not do anything wrong." I'm sure I don't have to remind you, Nick is an idiot and I don't have to agree with everything that comes out of his mouth. He can claim his innocence to every TV station and newspaper in the country, he's not going to change my mind. The facts are out there, and he resisted/opposed a law enforcement officer. So in conclusion, I'm glad they arrested him, he shouldn't get special treatment just because he's a Backstreet Boy....PS I bet he looked hot in the cuffs. ; )

In other news, the Backstreet Boys received another Grammy nomination this year for their performance of Shape of My Heart from the Black and Blue album. The category is Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal. I hope they win this year because they are long overdue, but I'm thinking they won't. Most people don't realize how many nominations the Backstreet Boys have actually had. They are the Susan Lucci of the Grammys. In '99 they were nominated for Best New Artist and that went to Lauryn Hill. In '00 they had about seven nominations for Millennium and lost them all to Santana. I was probably as disappointed as they were, I really thought that was their year. In '01 they were nominated for something, I forget what, and they lost to some country western guys I had never heard of....what were they doing in the same category as those guys anyway? This year they're up against Five For Fighting, Nsuck, R.E.M. and U2. I'm thinking it will probably go to R.E.M or U2 but I will cross my fingers for BSB as always.

One last thing I want to talk about and then I'll shut up, I promise. Kevy cut his hair!!!! Finally. Those are pictures of his new haircut above. He no longer looks like a homeless person/Jesus/a drug dealer. I couldn't be happier. Nick told MTV that Kevin was the first Backstreet Boy to call him after the arrest to make sure he was okay. I always thought that those two had the worst time getting along of the five. Maybe Kevin isn't as much of an asshole as I always say he is.

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