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Frick and Frack Interviews
Date: Feb 21, 2001

Q: How do you like married life so far? He hates it. Oh I guess I should let him answer.
Brian: "It's nice. It's nice? Uh oh...Leighanne not satisfying you? It's really a down-home type thing, and it's something I've always wanted to do." Really? You always wanted to marry an ugly old hag with a giant nose?

Q: Why do you think so many groups get successful and then break up?
Brian: "I think a lot of the problem is that the members don't communicate. I think we've established a really good friendship with each other, and that's what's going to keep us together. Awwww. Individually, we have goals, but we've come to the realization that we can help each other achieve those things. I think that's the best way to stay together, and I really think we're going to be a group forever. What do you mean you think? There'll never be an end to the Backstreet Boys." Yay! Now thats better!

Q: What the worst thing about being famous? Probably all the fat chicks getting so excited they wet themselves.
Brian: "Everybody expects you to be on a stage and sometimes you just want to be normal. Oh no...millions of people love're're living your want to be normal?? Why? I think people, without really knowing us, have misconceptions that we're arrogant, or they say we're stuck on ourselves. For instance, if we come into a place and don't talk-if we're just laid back and quiet- people think we have a problem or we're arrogant, when really we're just being mellow." You didn't used to be mellow. It must be that old hag you married.

Q: How do you chill out after a show?
Brian: "To unwind, I get on the phone and talk with my family and Leighanne, or I'll hang out with the guys. And sometimes, after we do a show, I have a lot of energy, so I'll go out to clubs, go dancing, catch a movie, have sex with the chicken girls, or just hang out and talk with some fans." Go dancing?? I thought you didn't like dancing?

Q: How do you choose who's going to sing lead on a song?
Brian: "Basically, when we go in the studio or when we're writing a song, we'll have ideas about who wants to sing what. And a lot of times, when we work with different producers or writers, we'll all take turns singing verses to figure out who fits the best to that song. They should do rock, paper, scissors. Or beat each other up for the leads....I guess Howie and Kevin would have all the leads if they did that. No not true...Nick could sit on the other guys with that big old butt of his! LOL!

Date: Feb 18, 2001

Q: What would you call your autobiography? Is this reporter on crack? Nick can't read or write.
Nick: To be honest, I think it's way too early to even thing about writing one. Even though I guess I've done a heck of a lot in my 21 years, I still reckon reckon? He's been hanging around those Kentucky boys too long. I've got a lot more life to live first - and hopefully a lot more stories to tell!

Q: What's the weirdest thing a fan's ever said to you? Probably "Do you want to touch my penis?"
Nick: A fan in South Africa once asked me what i'd do if she took a bullet for me...He would say, "SOMEBODY DIAL 9-1-1!!!!!" We were all truly shocked with that one, but i guess in a country like that bullets and guns are a fact of life. I bet Nick just lost all his fans in South Africa. "a country like that" what exactly, Nick? It was very distressing all the same.

Q: Have you ever said "Don't you know who I am?"
Nick: No way! I generally get so much attention all the time, I try to stay as low key as possible. Besides, that's just arrogant isn't it? And that's not what I'm about. Yeah. We've never heard anything about Nick being arrogant right? (said sarcastically)

Q: Do you prefer a bath or a shower?
Nick: A shower - and a really, really loooooong one with the Chicken Girls at that! The guys are always saying I'm the 'funky smellingest' Backstreet Boy, Ewww...I gotta stay clean! LOL! Funky smellingest??? smellingest??? Oh for shame....and I don't mean the smell, I mean his grammer.

Q: Which BSB song would you like to never have to sing again?
Nick: There honestly aren't any that I dislike that much. Keywords: that much... They've all got their place and have been important to me in some way. Sorry! He just couldn't think of the names of any of their songs.

Q: Fav aftershave?
Nick: I don't use it. I guess we're back to that funky smell thing aren't we?! If he was with me he wouldn't smell funky. He'd be taking lots of showers. I'd make sure by climbing in with him.

Q: Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?
Nick: I don't really have a preference. I've dated both, Not at the same time though, heh heh! no comment. Sure Nick...not at the same time...yeah right...what about the chicks at the massage parlor?? hmmmm..hmmmm...

Q: Have you ever denied being Nick Carter?
Nick: Yes. Sometimes there's been times when it's the only thing to do. If there's going to be a problem with security or something. It's either that, or move really fast! There really are times when being recognized in public would cause mayhem! Could you just see Nick....."I'm not him! have the wrong guy. My name Chi Nguyen. I swear!" Or could you see him saying.... "I'm not Nick, what are you talking about... hey look its Howie D.....Ahhhh ::running towards Howie:: OMG let me have your autograph!!!

Q: What's the worst gossip you've ever read about yourself?
Nick: Hmmmm, we've been quite lucky, we've never really had that much bad stuff printed About us. Stupid reporter. Like I said before, Nick doesn't read. I guess it'd have to be all the rumors about us splitting up as a group. Of course it's not true - well we're still here aren't we, heh heh?! But it keeps on coming up! What about the massage parlor "rumor"???

Q: Fizzy drinks or freshly squeezed juice?
Nick: Juice, unless I really need a sugar boost! sure....juice....yup....with just a little vodka.

Q: What do you sleep in?
Nick: Not a lot! If I'm at home I don't wear anything, I like the freedom, freedom? There's a mental image for us =) but if I'm staying in a hotel or something, I'll sleep in my underwear. ::drooling:: I mean, can you imagine if there was a fire alarm or something, or you just forgot and got up to open the door for room service in the morning ... that'd be a good picture for the press! for the press? Are you kidding? That would be a good picture for me to blow up and hang on the front door of my house. Note to self: pull fire alarm next time you're in the same hotel as Nick.

Q: Which rock star would you have in your solo band?
Nick: Steve Perry from Journey, he's an absolutely amazing singer! Yay! Woopeedeeedooo... Steve Perry!

Q: The Simpsons or South Park?
Nick: both! I absolutely love those cartoons, it's the first thing I do when I get to a hotel room, check out all the channels to see if there are any on. But if I really had to choose, I guess I'd go with South Park! What?? South Park? Nooooooo SIMPSONS 4-LIFE!

Q: Have you ever had any bit of you shaved or waxed?
Nick: Are you being naughty? Are you being stupid? No I haven't had anything like that done! Yeah right we all know Nick waxes his bikini line =) I did have some wax put in my hair to make it all stand up once, just for fun during a photo session, but that's about it, I'm afraid! Oh, and I do shave my face every now and then!

Q: What's your fave Playstation game?
Nick: I love any of them that are anything to do with sports - football, basketball, whatever!

Q: What's the nicest thing a celeb could say about you?
Nick: That I'm a great singer, or a great entertainer. And nobody has ever said that to you before? That's be really neat! Neat! Neato! Groovy! Far Out! Ok I'm done.

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