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Bio Chris

Name: Chris Kirkpatrick

Nicknames: Mop, Puppy Killer, Mint Needer, Creepy Spice and Ugly.

Original Location: Hell. Anything that ugly has to be the devils spawn.

Sex: Questionable. I don't think anyone really knows for sure except Chris. Notice how 'Chris' could conveniently be either a girl or guys name.

Marital Status: Who cares?

Hobbies: Mopping the floor with his head, eating puppies, selling womens clothing, and hitting on the other members of the band "for fun."

Turn-ons: Hairy chests, Backstreet Boys, a freshly clean kitchen floor, watching Joey practice his dance moves, and giant pickles.

Turn-offs: Shaved legs, anything baby blue, strawberry lotion and painted nails.

Dream Date: For someone to agree to go out with this guy would be "dream come true" enough for him.

Quote: (singing) "I'm an ugly mophead, my songs suck,
here is my handle, here is my mop!"

What he will look like in 10 years:

Nice plunger Chris!

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