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Bio JC

Name: JC Chasez

Nicknames: Boring Spice, Druggy, Yawn, and Honker

Original Location: Probably a crackhouse.

Sex: Questionable although I'm leaning towards male because I've never seen a woman with a nose that big.

Marital Status: Don't know, don't care.

Hobbies: Drugs are a hobby right?

Turn-ons: Needles, Mickey Mouse ears, "water pipes", and large breasts, on both men and women.

Turn-offs: Loud noises, antiperspirant, and large noses (his is big enough for two people.)

Dream Date: Someone that always knows exactly what he wants and when he needs it--his dealer.

Quote: "ZZZZzzzzz.......ZZZZZZzzzzzzz......ZZZZZZZzzzzz"
"Chewing gum DOES NOT help the craving." and "*SNORTTTTTT*"

What he will look like in 10 years:

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