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Bio Justin

Name: Justin Timberlake

Nicknames: Fro Boy, Mr. Spears, Curly Spice, and Bisexual Bob.

Original Location: He'd like you all to believe it was the ghetto

Sex: Male. His sexual orientation is another story.

Marital Status: Before he gets married he needs to choose between Lance and Slutney Spears.

Hobbies: Deciding which color hair pick matches best with what he's wearing each day, trying to find a way to fix that pesky nasal problem (he's been working on that one for years), eating his own toe crust, writing his autobiography "Justin: The Nasal Years", and selling pieces of his fro on Ebay.

Turn-ons: Mirrors, implants, anything baby blue (freak), feminine albino men, hairy bodies, mop haircuts, big noses, and cheap looking, nasally sluts.

Turn-offs: Claratin, and the Backstreet Boys, thank god. Although...he's one of five. We still have to worry about the other four members of Nsuck trying to butt rape our boys.

Dream Date: The beginning of the evening would be spent with Britney. They would have dinner and spend a few hours counting and naming her silicon bongos. After that Justin would frolic off with Lance for a night of passion.

Quote: "These pants are so tight, it's like I'm having sex with myself"
**Note-This is a real quote taken from TV Guide. He was describing a pair of leather pants he was wearing on the cover of the magazine, and looking quite satisfied I might add.

What he will look like in 10 years:

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