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Bio Lance

Name: Lance Bass

Nicknames (Justin made most of these up): Slut, Miss Bass, Lancet, Pookie, Butt-buddy, and Justin's bitch.

Original Location: San Francisco?

Sex: Questionable

Marital Status: Not married yet. He and Justin would have to go to Hawaii or Vermont for that to happen.

Hobbies: Applying make-up, eating bon-bons, watching Oprah, playing powder-puff football, giving himself manicures, and putting on a blonde wig to sing along with his Britney CDs.

Turn-ons: Curly hair, hearing people speak in ebonics, facial hair, large muscles, hairy legs, and strawberry lotion.

Turn-offs: Pictures of naked women.

Dream Date: Lance dreams of someone tall, dark and masculine with large muscles who will sweep him off his feet and carry him down the beach as they watch the sunset.

Quote: "I need more blush."

What he will look like in 10 years:

Is anyone surprised by this?

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