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Good Idea, Bad Idea

Good Idea
Jumping into a pool with these men. In fact, we cannot think of anything we'd rather do.

Bad Idea
Jumping into a pool with these hermaphrodites. I wonder what Lance is doing to Justin? Probably the same thing Chris is doing to JC. and Joey? well Joey is just waiting for you to jump in, little girl.

Good Idea
Picking your nose. Pick me a winner AJ!

Bad Idea
Picking someone else's nose. Lance: Justin, wrong hole! You know where I like it!

Good Idea
Successfully riding a horse.

Bad Idea
Falling off of a horse. Just to clarify, that is Ghetto Sync himself (Justin) taking a tumble. I hope he didn't hurt the pubic hair on top of his head when he fell.

Good Idea
Dressing in a costume for a costume party.

Bad Idea
Dressing in drag for a drag queen party.

Good Idea
Obtaining assistance in looking retarded for the amusement of others.

Bad Idea
Looking retarded without trying.

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