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Victim of Narcolepsy?

Top Ten Things to do if You're Unfortunate Enough to Meet
JC Chasez

10. Point and laugh.
9. Stare at his nose for an extended period of time, then comment, "It's bigger in person...I mean you're taller in person."
8. Hand him a brochure on narcolepsy.
7. Scream "Oh my God, it's Mr. Bean!!" and run toward him waving your arms around wildly.
6. Stick out your chest as far as you can and say "You really go for a girls personality, don't you JC?"
*If you have no clue what we mean by this, click here - "The first thing I look for in a girl is a good personality."
5. If he starts talking to you, act like a teenybopper. Start hyperventilating and yell "Oh my God!! It's a guy that knows Justin Timberlake!!"
4. Walk 5 paces behind him clapping symbols together every 2 minutes. If he asks what you're doing, tell him it would be dangerous for him to fall asleep while walking.
3. Ask him if he can see the tip of his nose without going cross-eyed.
2. See how many times you can mispronounce 'Nsync and his last name (Chasez) while talking to him. If he attempts to correct you, start to cry, and ask him why he's making fun of your lisp. Get creative with the pronunciations...add a couple extra e's....'Nsynceee.
1. Call a friend on your cell phone while standing near him. Loudly inform your friend that you've just spotted the "Boring, big-nosed faggot from nshit that sleeps all the time."

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