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Gorilla Man Lives!!!!

Top Ten Things to do if You're Unfortunate Enough to Meet Joey Fatone

10. Point and laugh.
9. Surrender any and all edible items you may have with you.
8. Persuade a small child to follow Joey around asking him loudly "Are you my daddy?"
7. Run away screaming, "Help! Angry gorilla on the loose!"
6. Point him in the direction of the nearest teenybopper and say "Look Joey, that innocent civilian appears to be choking. I wish superman were here to save the day." Watch him whip out the superman necklace. Also, prepare to shield your eyes, he might even wear that faggoty superman costume under his clothes.
5. Back away slowly while repeatedly yelling "I'm underage!"
4. If he attempts to talk to you, stare at his huge stomach for awhile and then respond to anything he says with "Um, I don't have any food with me. Are you going to be alright?"
3. Stare at his hair for awhile, then comment "Yep, that hair color definitely looked alot better on AJ."
2. Ask for an autograph. Once he signs it, turn to the nearest person and say, "Hey, look, the gorilla can write his own name.
1. Call a friend on your cell phone while standing near him. Loudly inform your friend that you've just spotted the "fat, hairy faggot from nshit, with the superman obsession."

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