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I've decided to get rid of any BSB/Anti-Nsuck sites that haven't updated in the last year. Which sucks because there are some kick ass pages out there, they just lack devotion. If things look a little scarce around here for awhile, well....that's why.

Sister Site
We need a new sister site....any takers?

Other Backstreet Humor Pages
Whodaman Inc. -This is one of the top humor pages out there. An inspiration to us all. Don't miss out!
Cuz They're BACK and They're STREET and They're Da Boys! -Very creative! Check it out!
BSB Reality Check -I love this page! It made me laugh outloud several times. Which I hate doing when I'm sitting here by myself.
Could You Do Me Right? -Great stuff up here! And she's a regular updater which makes for a happy Chicken Girl
Bed-Head - Project Laugh Now -This girl knows funny. And she likes our site, so she obviously has good taste.Ha.

Currently searching for some sites that have updated recently.

Backstreet Fan Sites -We put their link up bc we steal most of their pics...not that they need more hits.
Backstreet Live version 2.0 -Fabulous pics from the Black and Blue tour as well as previous tours. The girl who owns this site is super nice. We should know, we sat next to her at one of the concerts.
BsB CyberFans-Home for the Backstreet Boys Fanatics -Ultimate source for BSB resources and links!
AJ -Ultimate AJ McLean page! I just looked at the pictures on her site and the man is very very hot. >=)

Chicken Girl #2's Favorite Bands

Other Great Sites to Check Out
Bored.Com - Have Some Fun On The Internet
Not.hamlet Productions

Banners-Backstreet Fan Pages

Backstreet Boys BLVD

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