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Dumb Shits!

Chicken Girl #1
Chicken Girl #2
Chicken Girls

Sent: July 10, 2002 9:40 PM
From: BsBrian22075

alright, your site is cool and all that. Yes it is. but seriously, like totally serious okay... just because voinovich boycotted Kevin doesnt make him a dipshit. You're right. I'm sure Voinovich was a dipshit WAY before he decided that anything Kevin was going to say would be "a joke." call it the scoutsperson in me or whatever, okay like whatever but me being from ohio, Ohio!! Wahoo... It's almost as bad as Canada that makes me angry just because Kevin didnt get his way u have to go and diss voinovich(and specifically mention hes from ohio). you could have said "a senator" not "a dipshit senator from ohio." you are makin it sound like all people from ohio are dipshits. Hmmm......... Voinovich=dipshit............ You=dipshit....... Ohio=state of dipshits....... you can suck Kevin's left testicle.

Sent: August 9, 2001 7:39 PM

hey...i was on ur site today...and i just wanted to say that i thought it was great (starts off good...) ::takes a bow:: ...i'm a huge bsb fan huge being the operative word and i luv bsb humour (in good taste) It's humor not humour, where are you, CANADA?!?!?! lol.... (thanks) but i had a problem with one of your comments in the Kevin Quotes area... Oh god, here we go... ::covers ears and hums loudly:: why are you against Canada? Oh no, not another fucking CANADIAN!!!!!! i mean c'mon he said we have cute accents Sorry to bust your CANADIAN bubble but you don't. All you CANADIANS sound like fucking idiots... and you refused to acknowledge us as a country...WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?? Its not my fault you guys aren't a country!!! not trying to bitch Because if she was trying to bitch...then LOOK OUT! ::end sarcasm:: but that wasn't the nicest thing you could have written! It may not be the nicest thing but it's the truth. I'm sorry but the truth isn't always going to be what you want to hear. hope you can change it or something or let people know you're not as mean as you sounded. I'm not going to change it CANADIAN because I meant every word I wrote!


Sent: June 12, 2001 9:59 PM
From: (David and Rhonda Inkster)

I don't care if this is a humour site. Its a humor site not a humour site. Don't bother correcting them, eh, they think they're spelling it right, eh. Canada is a real country and it is better than the States!!! Oh Please. The only thing good that ever came from Canada is Matthew Perry, Tom Green, and Terrance&Phillip. Right...a country...if you say so... And I take great offense to that. Like I care, you're just another stupid canadian... Canada is a country and don't you forget that! ( )( ) Well look at that, I just mooned you.

***Before you start sending us more hatemail about being tolerant and all that bullshit, reread the hatemail. This person said that Canada is better than the United States. Have some pride for your country. Even more important, leave us the hell alone. You know what's the best part about being a United States citizen? Freedom of Speech.

Sent: June 12, 2001 10:26 AM
From: (Jo Ann Makos)

listen, you dumb ass bitch. They don't pay me enough to listen to you. You get paid? Well...nooo not exactly...but I should. NSYNC is better than the Bullshit Boys and they always will be. If theres someone you need to make fun of, its Nick. We do make fun of Nick. Several times a day. Did you bother to read anything on our page? But making fun of Nsuck is sooo fun. And those little 'secrets' are probably pics of BSB. I have 3 words for you: GET A LIFE. You're the one writing hatemails to websites sweetheart. You KNOW NSYNC is better, No I don't you just dont want to admit it. You're right! ::breaks down sobbing:: I've wasted so much time discussing how much they suck when all I really want to do is throw myself at them. And, just to let you know, cuz you cant read and all, theyre nae is NSYNC. What? I'm having a little trouble making sense of parts of your email. nae? no apostrophe, all caps, not suck! got it? wait, this probasbly wont get through your head...oh well... yeah probasbly because you spell every other word wrong. If she knew it wasn't going to get through our heads...why did she waste her and our time....

Sent: January 22, 2001 8:05 pm
From: Angry Viewer

Now, we here, as website viewers, visit MANY humor sites. We love humor sites. Do you really?!?! Yay for you. (Whodaman, Phat farm, Sillystring and Backstreet Funnies amongst our favorites) We laughed at many things on the site, Good for you... the Top 10 lists for Nsync were hilarious. Thanks!
What you had to say about Brian on page 4 of your pics was disgusting and insensitive. The man had heart surgery.I think we know that? Thats what makes it funny... Just so you don't have to go look at page 4 to see what this freak show is talking about, here is the pic he/she is bitching about, with our comments under it just as it appears on page 4 of "What Were They Thinking."

Chicken Girl #1-Brian: AHHHHH!!!!!!!
Chicken Girl #2-Brian: Ack.........body...rejecting..baboon...heart.... ::thud::

There are some lines you just don't cross.
=) / Me on one side of the line....
/ =) Me on the other side of the line.

If you expect to get ANYWHERE in this little 'Backstreet Boys Humor Page' world, you need a serious additude adjustment. additude? Time to get out Websters. I don't think you get it? Its a humor page're not supposed to take it seriously! Umm....I think they're missing the whole concept of humor.....maybe a swift kick to the nads will help. Not if they're a girl though.

AngryViewer a.k.a. Dumbshit!

Sent: January 22, 2001 10:41 am
From: 3s2m mysterious. I wonder why they'd want to conceal their identity. I'm just wondering. That's not a homophobic remark. Really.

First of all, kudos on your hatred of 'NStync. We try. But I have problems with the homophobic remarks you make on your site. You mean about gays? lesbians? homosexuals? Does it bother you when we talk about fruits? faggots? hmmm....that must suck. Cry me a fucking river. Im sorry did we offend you, fag ...i mean like to be called queer right? This is what passes for humor these days? Makes me laugh. Yup! =)

BTW, how DARE YOU take the name of Melmac in vain to promote your right-wing homophobic causes and love for the Hackstreet Boys. Homophobic, yes. But right-wing? Ouch. He insulted me politically. I don't think I'll ever recover from that one. Take Melmac in vain? Who the fuck do you think you are, ALF?
"In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king. There are also very few archery contests." —Alfred E. Neuman
"Thou shalt kiss my asseth." -Me

Sent: August 29, 2000 6:06 pm

Im sorry but your website is wrong. Oh no..booo hooo! You cant do that to an awesome band who works very hard at there music. Yeah cause it takes sooo much energy to lip sync songs... She said we "can't do that." Can't do that? Who the hell is going to stop us? The pictures you have are all fake. Keep dreaming. You dont even have any real ones. Are you sure of that? I think you suck and you shouldnt be a backstreet boys fan because Nsync is the best boy band there ever is. Hmmm....yah it's a toss-up between them and Hanson. They're all so dreamy. ::wretch:: Your site sucks so FUCK YOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SUCK AND YOUR SITE DOES TO!! AND NSYNC IS THE BEST!!!! Do you think she hates our site? I think she likes her caps lock key. THEY ARE SO MUCH MORE CUTER THAN THE BACKSTREET BOYS AND AT LEAST THERE NOT GAY LIKE THEM!!!!!!!!! They're gay what are their girlfriends and wives...cover ups...yeah right you fucking moron! FUCK YOU!!!! -Britney- Do you notice that a lot of Nsync fans are names Britney? Yes! All the time! I wonder if their names are really Britney or they change it in some pathetic attempt to model themselves after Slutney Spears.

P.S. NSync 4 life! When I first read this email, I wanted to print it out and start marking it up with a big red pen. I guess it's the editor coming out in me.

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