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Nice People! Yay!

Sent: March 25, 2003 7:37 PM

Excuse my language, but you guys are fuckin' hilarious! My favorite part - " Chicken Girl #2- Nick: I like our new managers. They seem really smart. They act more smartingly than our last managers.
AJ: Uhhh....Nick I don't think these new managers are going to work. Did you read ANY of this shit they want us to say? We can't say these things to our fans.
Kevin: I never got married, it was a sham? It's hard for us to find that special someone while on the road, but my favorite color is blue?? I don't think Kristin is going to like this.
Brian: My wife abandoned me and took our son? Nobody is going to buy that.
Howie: ........Hola......Me llamo Howie.........are you fucking kidding me??"

HAHAHAHA!! *Dies laughing* Anway, I just wanted to say, it's good to see a backstreet humor site still being run. I abandoned mine(i had a couple) for lack of funny. But I decided to combine them into one and opened it at I'd be honored if you'd check it out. I'd also love to host some backstreet humor sites. I can't find any but if you'd be interesting in ditching angelfire you could join the bed-head family. :)

I'm gonna link you!


Sent: March 1, 2003 12:28 PM
From: George.Macfarlane1

Hi, first of all, I love your website, its been keepin me amused for hours, and i haven't been throught it all yet, but i was just wondering if you knew what all the numbers in nicks thank you's mean?
thanx in advance
*Sorry Samantha....don't know what the numbers mean. Check

Sent: February 28, 2003 10:05 PM
From: NowOrNeverChick

i just wanted to say i love your web site, it rocks!

Sent: October 29, 2002 6:16 PM
From: meggykins2000

Just wanted to tell you that your site kicks ASS!! I definitely think you're one of the funniest BSB humour (I'm Canadian, we're TRAINED to add that u. Don't ask me why.) sites around. Plus, the NSuck bashing always makes my day. Love the site and DEATH TO THE BOPPERS!! BTW: Only bad thing about your site was (of course) the Canada bashing. But I'm not going to go cry about it. Everyone's entitled to an opinion. Obvioulsy some people don't realize that **glares at the dipshits in the Hatemail section**

Sent: October 26, 2002 8:47 PM
From: ladylittrell500

Once again, great job job on the site, chica! Here's a couple of additions for you... - The Ebonics Translator, just in case you want to bitch out Justin Timberlake in a way he'll understand you. - This is a real video of the guys dancing around drunk - it's fuckin' HILARIOUS! It takes forever to load, but it's totally worth it. I can vouch for that, it is totally awesome, check it out!
Keep up the great work - isn't it fun to piss people off? LMAO! Much love, Khris

Sent: October 9, 2002 11:43 PM
From: backstreet_gi59

i'm just writing ya a lil note too tell ya i luv ya site , it's one of the funnest ones out there!! Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive!!!!!

Sent: August 7, 2002 8:01 PM
From: chattes_girl

hey! i love your site. i read that conversation you had w/ the other howie fan. what was up w/ her? whoa. anyway, howie's my fave too, but i'm not possessive like that other girl. well, anyway, i think you guys have one of the best bsb sites. but, why don't u like kevin? or the bsb girlfriends? just wondering. well, keep up the great work! ktbspa.

Sent: July 12, 2002 5:22 AM
From: KevsGotWhatIWant

I just went to your site and the fact that I love BSB too and can't stand 'N Suck I thought that it was so funny and wanted to say that you guys saying they looked like faggots and stuff really made me laugh!! Love the site, ~KELLY~

Sent: April 17, 2002 1:51 PM
From: ajs_angel_99

I wanted to tell you that I LOVE your site! Even though I love BSB, I also have a sense of humor, and it is nice to see that there are other BSB fans who aren't uptight and take things personally! So, since I seemed to agree with so much that you said on your site, I was wondering what you thought of AJ and Sarah's engagement? Thank you, and I hope you keep your site updated!

*Peace and Love*

Chicken Girl #2-I'm glad that AJ has found someone who can make him happy. Of course that doesn't mean I can't make fun of her. Come on, I'm only's my nature to be a jealous bitch about it. That's why I call her Silicon Sarah. =) Heehee.

Sent: January 7, 2002 2:12 PM
From: StewartVandorf

I only have one thing to say...I love your site!! I am totally amazed that you could pull something like this off! You are funny and tasteful, and manage to be so without offending anybody smart enough to see that. Kudos to ya'll!

-Silver Dragon-

Sent: November 12, 2001 10:03 PM
From: nickeybabe

Hey Very very cool site, I loved looking at those gay ass pictures of Nsuck. Where's your guestbook I think that would work alot better if ya got one, cuz than u wouldnt have to be checking your email 24/7. Welp hey I know one of you Chicken people signed my guestbook at my site- Backstreetpride, thanks alot. Keep up the good work, keep dissing Nsuck and love backstreet forever.

Sent: October 20, 2001 1:09 PM
From: chicacherrycola

hey jamie, my name's eliza, i just wanted to say that your site is fucking hilarious! i seriously roll in my chair laughing whenever i read stuff on it. i just got done reading your rant about the vma's this year (a little late, aren't i?) i just wanted to know what it was that jamie foxx said about aj, since i didn't watch the show. (MTV takes it up the ass.) i swear, if he made fun of his drinking problem i will find that bastard and beat him down. that's territory you just don't go into. that's all, keep up the great work, i love it!

Sent: October 17, 2001 2:35 PM
From: Stewart.Vandorf

I am glad that you have a sense of humor about them, while still being a fan. I look forward to new features.

Sent: September 16, 2001 4:51 PM
From: tigerlily

I just like to say that I love your site, And I love the backstreet boys. Your page is very funny, and creative. I just read the hate mail, ** Oh my God, I think I care...** ( not ) anyway they remind me of freakin kids... "Oh my God Mommy I think I'm gonna piss my pants" I wish they would get a life... oh yeah that reminds me if they can't handle humor then, I ask my self " why do they come here?" Ummm, yeah they aren't very smart and they should get hate mail. Thats just like people that live in the Omish Country going out to rent a movie.... "hello." * steps off soapbox.* Sorry bout all that just had to let you know I like your sites, but I really don't like the 'Haters'

Thanks for readin,
Juliet of Judas
* Just Me myself and I *

Sent: September 13, 2001 10:57 AM
From: 5pounds

HEY, funny lady!!! i just wanted to tell you that you need to comment on more "frick and frack interviews"!! the ones you have are the best!! i almost fell out of my chair when i read these three lines:

Q: What would you call your autobiography? Is this reporter on crack? Nick can't read or write.

LOL that was great!! (but shame on you for making fun of nick ;)

love the site!!

Sent: August 19, 2001 3:36 PM

omg i jus gotta say dat ya'll site are tight yo..i loved every part of dat otherwords..YA'LL DID A DAMN GREAT JOB WIT DAT SITE : )

Sent: August 5, 2001 1:03 PM
From: damnitbsb

Hello !!!
I just want to say I've been to your web site Chicken Power and I loved it!!! Your site is well put together and absolutely hilarious. I'm getting together a DAMN IT! BACKSTREET BOYS DIRECTORY on my site and I would love to list Chicken Power.

Sent: July 28, 2001 1:09 PM
From: DopeGurl98

I really like what you two have done with your website. I find it very humorous. You both keep up the good work!
P.S. What's up with JC's new hairstyle? Maybe Lance likes it long so that he can have something to hold while he's butt raping him. Ride'em cowboy! -LOL!!

Sent: July 12, 2001 9:21 PM
From: NickyPoospug128

hey i realy love the site but i just wanted to say something about your comment that canadians aren't cute. Two words Michael cuccione. enough said

***You're entitled to your opinion just as anyone else is. =D

Sent: July 7, 2001 10:45 PM
From: Heyal44

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! This is like the most hilarious site I've been to. My sister keeps comin' in here to tell me to shutup 'cause I'm laughing so much. I HATE nsuck (only good bands deserve capitals)! KTBSPA!!!

Sent: May 3, 2001 11:42 PM
From: Dora

Hello there,

I hope im emailing to the right place about this, but im on painkillers right now so im slightly..ok highly incoherent. I saw your site and i went round to it obviously and i thought it was damn cool. Congrats on a funny site! I, along with two buds of mine run a bsb humor site. Ive taken the liberty of adding your link to our site and was wondering if youd do the same
To see our site..
Keep up the kick ass work!

Much love and resignation,
Dora =)

Sent: April 23, 2001 8:28 PM
From: LPAngel29

*rolling* This site is hilarious. This is even better than the We Like Girls. I love it when fans aren't afraid to bash them. People who get offended by this shit need to get a friggin' life cuz it's all in fun. I think it's great. Rock on!

Sent: April 22, 2001 9:20 pm
From: sareshep


Thanks for visiting my site! I went and checked yours out as soon as I found out you signed my guestbook. Your site is fuckin hilarious!! You and Amy are sooooo funny, I practically died laughing...Especially at the NShit stuff. I spent hours looking thru everything. I can't wait to see your next updates. I'm definitely gonna keep my eye on your site and I'm gonna link it from mine. Thanks for posting the link and signing my g book.


Sent: April 22, 2001 1:36 AM
From: Anonymous

To: Whoever made this website and wrote the sarcastic comments in different colors in the articles,

I just have to say that i like BSB and i am like you sick of MTV and TRL and all the gloating about "boy bands" and crap like that. When will people take BSB for who they are and not keep on hating them for ever.

I was really impressed by your sarcasm and comic style. Whoever did this is really cool. I am also impressed by the way you make the right comments at the right time and how you absolutely blow out the facts straight up. You are really cool.

I just hope that more people like you come in the open and write more articles and act in a way that will bestow respect upon the BSB fans coz these days people have taken for granted that all BSB fans are teenyboppers jumping around and that they have no idea about the politics in the music industry.

Finally, I enjoyed your website. I hope to receive a response from you and hope that you keep the good work. KTBSPA.

Thank you.

Sent: August 26, 2000 2:37pm
From: Mimz1121

hey-- your site is absolutely hilarious- i do like nsync- but ive never seen a funnier site

Sent: August 17, 2000 6:57pm
From: Laura

Just like to say that I found your page EXTREMELY hilarious! I loved the comments on the pictures! I was just laughing uncontrollably! I bookmarked it and will keep returning! I'm looking forward to your updates! Love it!
Awesome page and keep up the great work!


Sent: May 13, 2000 4:51pm
From: BlueEyezKevGirl

your site was so funny, you and the other girl did really good job! i was laughing so hard at the nync shit cz we think so much alike, i also thought joey looked like a gorrilla b4 i knew you thought so too! well i cant wait to see your site when its done cuz itll be so good! i love kevin! bye!

Miranda Richardson

Miranda and Kevin 2gether 4ever!

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