
Are these dangerous times for pop stars?
Source: Music 365

A bizarre plot to kill the members of ‘N SYNC has been uncovered in Tennessee.
A 17-year-old boy apparently planned to rob a local gun store, killing its employees if necessary, and travel to Atlanta where ‘N Sync are due to perform on Saturday (October 21). The teenager then allegedly planned to kill as many members of the boy band as possible. ‘N Sync’s pin-up status is reported to have sparked off the boy’s murderous plans.
The plot was exposed when the boy’s mother found details of her son’s intentions in a folder in their house. The horrified mother promptly shopped her son to local police.
“She found something disturbing and took action,” said Sheriff Captain Don Linzy. “I know it’s never an easy thing to do, but she did the right thing in alerting authorities.”
Following on from the recent news that Billie Piper has received death threats, are these dangerous times for pop stars? Is the media focus on the lifestyles of the rich and famous partly culpable in inspiring resentment and jealously among disturbed fans?

I don't think that this attempted murder is the fault of the media focus on lifestyles of the rich and famous. There are just some really nutty people out there. Anyway, onto my opinion of the real matter here. Someone was going to kill 'Nsync. 'Nsuck. The five faces that make me want to go screaming into the night. The five voices that absolutely turn my stomach. Would I miss them if they were gone? Never. But would I want them killed? No. I would not want them dead. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. And I wouldn't want their families to have to go through that loss either. Besides, who would I ruthlessly make fun of if Nsuck weren't around? Fortunately, nobody was hurt by that psycho. It was because of that fact that I found this article to be extremely amusing. I actually laughed outloud when I read it and thought I should post it just so others could join in my amusement. Just the fact that some kid was so annoyed by those faggots, he thought he would do us all a favor. Although I'm sure his reasons for wanting to kill Nsync are quite different from our reasons for hating Nsync.
So my final words on the subject, are that we, The Chicken Girls, do not endorse the killing of Nsync, however this particular attempt was highly amusing. Lucky for that kid he wasn't after the Backstreet Boys, because I would have to go all the way to Tennessee to kick his ass.

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