
Yes, your new video makes me sick too! =P

I turned on TRL last week and had the pleasure ::cough cough:: of catching Nsucks new video, "This I Promise You." At least that's what I'm assuming it's called considering that they say it about three dozen times during the song. I was just about to turn the channel when I realized it was the perfect opportunity for me to review one of their pitiful attempts at entertainment. When Carson said that Nsuck filmed the video in Northern California, I was angry that I wasn't informed ahead of time. I usually like to know ahead of time when Nsuck will be in the Bay Area, so I can stay away from whatever city they come to. Nsuck filmed part of the video in Northern California's Redwoods and the rest in San Francisco. I'm guessing that the members of Nsuck felt very comfortable in SF, seeing as how it is the land of homos.
During the first half of the song we see Nsuck standing around, singing in the middle of the woods. I'm guessing that's where Joey takes the prepubescent girls to seduce them. It was hilarious how they attempted to look like scruffy mountain men by all sporting chin fuzz. As they stand there, singing in the woods, bubbles float around them. Very gay.
Onto San Francisco. I didn't notice alot about this part of the video because I was laughing hysterically at their choice of location for the shot. The video ends with them all sitting very closely at a teeny little table outside a cafe in Frisco. Did anyone else notice that Joey starts to pick up the ketchup bottle at the very end? I don't think there was even any food in front of him. But I could see him pouring it on the table and trying to take a bite out of it. I could also see him starting to eat his own clothes because the video shoot runs twenty minutes late. My final verdict? This video screams "We are homo uncle-fuckers."

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