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3/7/02 3/7/02
Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

Thumbs Up
Thumbs up to George Lucas who recently changed his plans to include three members of Nsync in a crowd scene for Star Wars: Episode Two. I'm glad he realized before it was too late, what a stupid move that would have been. He could have lost millions upon millions of dollars.
Here is a quote from someone who shares my opinion:
"George Lucas is giving the band 'N Sync cameos in the upcoming Star Wars movie. Apparently Lucas cast 'N Sync because he wanted C-3PO to look less gay." -Conan O'Brien on Late Night

Thumbs Down
Thumbs down to Elton John, who recently cast Justin Timberlake to be in his new music video. Timberlake played the younger version of Elton in the video for "This Train Don't Stop There Anymore." I can see how Justin would be believable in the role of young gay male.....and I'm guessing he knows how to lip sync extremely well already, so that wouldn't be a problem for the video shoot. So why is this a thumbs down? I don't think Justin deserves that role. Elton should have cast someone that he respects musically. He has been quoted several times saying that the Backstreet Boys are the most talented people he's ever sang with. He's never said anything about 'Nsync having talent. Plus, we all know that Justin Timberlake doesn't even have as much talent as Elton John has in one pinkie finger.

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