
Would you let this asshole push you around? We wouldn't!

We realize this is old news, but we feel its important enough to post. One of the numerous reasons we don't like 'Nsync is because we constantly hear of run-ins and incidents people have with them. For the most part, none of stories we have heard about them have been good encounters. Although, up until this point, all of the stories we've heard were unreliable or unconfirmed so we wouldn't feel right posting them. Since this story was covered by MTV and several other TV stations, as well as being featured in several magazines, we decided to post it. Nobody can accuse us of lying or making shit up. This is official people. We got this story from MTV.com.

'NSYNC Fan's Suit Claims Timberlake Harassed Her

  An 'NSYNC fan has filed suit against group member Justin Timberlake, alleging that he harassed and verbally assaulted her.

Danielle McGuire, 15, filed suit December 18 in a circuit court in St. Louis, Missouri, charging Timberlake with false imprisonment of a minor and intentional infliction of emotional distress, according to her lawyer, John Wallach. McGuire also charges a security guard with assault and battery in the suit, which stems from an alleged incident at a St. Louis hotel where the band was staying after a November 19 concert.

McGuire says that after the show, she and dozens of fans waited inside the lobby of the Chase Park Plaza hotel. When 'NSYNC arrived, each group member save for Timberlake talked with members of the crowd before entering elevators to go to their rooms, Wallach said.

After being snubbed by Timberlake, McGuire yelled out, "I like JC better anyway, he's cuter," referring to group member Joshua "JC" Chasez. Wallach said that a security guard for the group emerged from an elevator and asked McGuire if she was the one who made the comment. When she said she was, the security guard told her to come with him, there was some physical contact, and the two went upstairs, Wallach said.

McGuire asked if she could tell her mother, but the guard refused to let her, Wallach said. When they got upstairs, Timberlake backed McGuire against a wall and began berating her for what she said, the suit alleges.

"[McGuire] said he went on and on, and wouldn't stop," Wallach said. "He was right in her face, saying things over and over again."

In the meantime, Wallach said, a friend of McGuire's went to alert her mother, who had brought the girls to the hotel. Security wouldn't let McGuire's mother upstairs, but allowed a family friend, KSDK news anchor Randy Jackson, to go get her.

Jackson told Wallach that when he got upstairs, Timberlake was yelling at McGuire. When Timberlake saw the newsman, he limped off, saying that his leg hurt, Wallach alleges.

"We tried to resolve this quietly," Wallach said. "But 'NSYNC's lawyer told me they weren't interested."

A jury will determine damages in the suit if and when it goes to court. 'NSYNC's lawyer and record label did not return phone calls.

The suit also names the other members of 'NSYNC as a partnership, as well as the group's management company and Chase Park Plaza Limited Partnership. Wallach said that the group and management company are attached to the suit because they may be the employers of the security guards.

The suit alleges that the hotel allowed the group and its management to take control of the lobby and members of the public. Hotel lawyers were unavailable at press time.

'NSYNC's multiplatinum No Strings Attached, released in March, is at #9 on the Billboard 200 albums chart. The band was recently announced as an addition to the halftime show of Super Bowl XXXV, January 28 in Tampa, Florida.
—Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen

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