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'N ews of the 'N suck

We certainly didn't want to scare anyone by putting a picture of Nsync at the top of this page. We are in the process of searching for an attractive picture of Nsync. Please don't hold your breath. Just amuse yourself by watching the little ball move across the screen.

This section is similar to the BSB Rants section. Except for the fact that when we say things about BSB that aren't especially nice, we're usually joking, and when we say mean things about Nsync, we usually aren't. If you don't agree with our opinions, you always have the option of sending us hate mail. Just be sure you understand that we reserve the right to make you look like an asshole by posting whatever brainless crap you send our way. Click on the links! As always, Chicken Girl #1=Amy and will be in red, and Chicken Girl #2=Jaime and will be in blue. The most recent opinions will be closest to the top.

3/07/02 -Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

9/02/01 -A day at the movies
4/19/01 -Justin being sued for abusing fan
12/09/00 -They're ugly and untalented, but are they cheaters?
10/31/00 -Review of Nsucks new video
10/23/00 -Tennessee boy arrested for plotting to kill 'Nsync

We're going to make it easy for you so that if you want to send us hate mail you don't have to go back to the main page. As always, be aware that we reserve the right to post any positive or negative comments sent our way.
Chicken Girl #1

Chicken Girl #2

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