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Wouldn't you like to kick them in the balls? Assuming they have them.

Top Ten Signs to Hold up
at an 'Nsync Concert

10. [Stop the music! They have something caught in their throats!]

9. [Hey guys--Lance is looking at your ass]

8. [You ladies must love man-breasts, because Joey has bigger boobs than me]

7. [I paid 3 dollars for this seat] This works better the closer your seats are.

6. [Hey Joey, do you think your "girlfriend" is the only one you got pregnant? I better start seeing some child support soon or my parents will press charges against you for having sex with a minor.]

5. [Justin and Britney's love child] with an arrow pointing down to yourself. This works better if you give yourself a fro and wear a push-up bra.

4. [Hey Chris! Would you like to be fixed up with my brother? You two are a perfect match.]

3. [The Albino kid stole my sunblock]

2. [Joey had sex with your mom]

1. [The National Association For The Deaf supports 'Nsync]

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