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The Apocalypse is here!

Justin: Oooh photo op!! ::claps hands:: Backstreet and Nsync together in one picture. The press will just love this! Kevin, you go get the rest of your crew while I find Chris and Lanceycakes!
JC: Just get AJ, you don't have to get Nick. There can only be one token fat guy in the picture, and Joey is already here.
Howie: Oh yeah? Well you better not get Lance or Chris then, because there can only be so much gayness per picture, and Justin is already here.
Brian: Lets just take the damn picture so we can eat again before Joey has a heart attack.
Joey: Oh my God! I AM fat!!! ::breaks down sobbing::

Howie:They're applauding us...
Nick: Wow...they're giving us a standing ovation...
Brian: Hey there's Leighanne...hi sweetie! ::waves:: What? What is she trying tell me? ....what sweetie? What would Jesus do? ....hmmmm...I think he'd shoot the only remaining member of 'Nsync. If we let him go, he might try to form another boyband.
Justin: Help me Brit-Brit!!

Nick: THIS is Justin Timberlake? This fruitcake standing next to me is supposed to be the "cute blonde one" in 'Nsync???? Hahahahahahahaha!! Oh Please. This guy doesn't stand a chance. I could gain 300 pounds and still be cuter than this guy.

Joey: Actually I'm a little busy right now trying to suck the food out from between my teeth. I wouldn't want to waste food. You know there are starving children in....ummm I dunno somewhere and...Mmmmmm.....potatoes.....
Krystal: Hi my name is Krystal Harris! I'm a tiny little woman. I'm going to be a famous singer. Would you like to hear me sing?? Sure you would. Lalalalalalala!!!!!!

Chris: Hey Ref, I caught this guy signing an autograph for a girl in a wheelchair...can't we give the red team some kind of a penalty for prolonging the game?
Puff Daddy/Puffy/P. Diddy/Papa Donny/Paddy Duff: Seriously......I got places to go, people to shoot........Oh fuck Nick is on my team, nevermind.

Nick: Oh shit...sorry Justin I didn't mean to hit you in the nads....hey....why did those rolled up socks just fall out of your shorts?
Justin: Uh-oh....

More to Come Soon!!

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