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Chicken Power:
Humor from Melmac

Bagaw!!! Welcome to our site. Teenyboppers should be forewarned that much of the content of this site will piss you off.
-The Chicken Girls

**United We Stand**

Updated 6/22/03


3,2,1....1,2,3... What the hell is bothering me???

Nsync Garbage

The secrets Nsync never wanted you to know
Enter Zoo...Please do not feed the animals
Top Ten Lists
Going to an Nsuck concert?
'N ews of the 'N suck
Lifestyles of the Gay and Untalented

Backstreet Babes

What Were They Thinking?
Find out what's hiding under the couch
3,2,1....1,2,3... What the hell is bothering me???
Doh! Some BSB Comparisons You'll Never Forget!
Backstreet Butts
Do we hear wedding bells for a third Backstreet Boy?
Top Ten Lists
This boy needs help with his drug problem
What What What???
And you are......

Fun Stuff

Good Idea, Bad Idea
Hottie of the Month
The Apocalypse is Here
Why Didn't I Think of That?

Other Stuff

Cliques and Causes We Support
Links to Other Cool Places
Hate Mail
Love Mail
Awards We've Won

Contact Us

Have any praises or complaints you'd like to share with us concerning our site? Email us!
Chicken Girl #1

Chicken Girl #2

*Please Note: We reserve the right to post any positive or negative comments that are sent our way. If you are planning on sending us negative comments regarding our site, prepare yourself, because we will tear you a new asshole.

People have been to our spiffy site since around April 2000