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Kevin on Drugs?

Is Kevin on Drugs??
I bet you thought this section was going to be about AJ huh?

After a great deal of discussion and observation, we, The Chicken Girls, have decided that our beloved Kevin must be on drugs. Over the course of the last year, his appearance has gone from absolutely stunning and god-like, to being downright homely...and no we're not just talking about his long hair. It actually looks good certain times. We're talking about his overall appearance. He's starting to look sickly. He seems to have become more irritable and huffy when dealing with the other guys (i.e. Diary of the Backstreet Boys on MTV.) Also, he has become increasingly strange during interviews talking even slower than usual and often staring off into space, as if trapped in some sort of catatonic state. At first we tried to pass these things off as stress-related transformations resulting from his sudden change of lifestyle: he's a newlywed, and he's getting older. Maybe he was just getting used to married life and making some changes in his appearance. However, we've since changed our minds and decided that Kevin must be under the influence of some sort of narcotics. Don't misunderstand us, we still think Kevin is babe, we just think he should get some help. We've gathered up some pictures to exhibit Kevin's "druggie look." But before you look at those, here is a picture of pre-drug, attractive Kevin:

Now onto pics of frightening "Druggie Kevin"
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Have a picture of Kevin on drugs or a picture you think belongs in this section?? Send it in!
Chicken Girl #1

Chicken Girl #2

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