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Groundskeeper Willie and Kevin
- Willie has thick bushy eyebrows
- Kevin has thick bushy eyebrows.

- Willie speaks with a heavy accent and people have trouble understanding him or listening to him for long periods of time.
- Kevin speaks so slowly, people have trouble understanding him or listening to him for long periods of time.

- Willie doesn't like children
- Kevin doesn't like Nick.

- Willie often rips open his shirt to reveal an incredible physique (for a cartoon.)
- Kevin often takes off his shirt to reveal an incredible physique.

- Willie has played the bagpipes since he was a "wee lad."
- Kevin has played the piano since he was a little boy.

- Willie left his country to come live by himself in the United States.
- Kevin left Kentucky to come live by himself in Florida.

- Willie lost his father at a young age (hung for stealing a pig.)
- Kevin lost his father at a young age (cancer.) =(

- Willie occasionally wears skirts/kilts.
- Kevin occasionally wears skirts.


Grandpa Simpson and Kevin
-Grandpa is old.
-Kevin is old.

-Grandpa often tells long boring stories that don't make sense.
-Kevin often tells long boring stories that don't make sense.

-Grandpa lives in Springfield Retirement Castle with large quantities of old people.
-Kevin lives in Florida with large quantities of old people.

-Grandpa grew up on a farm.
-Kevin grew up on a farm.

-When Grandpa starts talking, his family walks out of the room.
-When Kevin starts talking, his friends stop listening. **We have no proof of this. We based this entirely on the glazed looks Brian, Howie, AJ and Nick get on their faces when Kevin begins to talk.

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