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AJ Quotes

Stupid AJ Quotes

-"The sex was so good even the neighbors had a cigarette." ROFL!! WHAT, YOU HAD SEX WITH YOUR NEIGHBOR? I want to be your neighbor.

-"We can't give back as much as we'd like to because of how crazy things are. We can't always be face to face with the fans, not because we don't want to, but because it's not safe for the fans or us. We're doing the best we can." Hmmm... ::thinks back to March 4:: The 'best you can' really sucks AJ. There were 10 of us maybe 15 and you couldn't stop and take a few fucking pictures.....=(

-"The Beach Boys are in their sixties and they're still called the Beach Boys. So even when we're in our sixties, we'll still be Backstreet Boys. We just won't be dancing as much." And by that time you won't have any hair left to dye....well unless you start dying your body hair.

-"I got tonsillitis and lost my voice and I thought that I couldn't sing. I really wanted to push myself to sing this one night at the Royal Albert Hall. If I missed this one chance to sing I would have been devastated, so I got scared because it hurt. Then we got a doctor to look at me and he said, 'Ahh!' And he backed off, and I was like, 'What?' And he said 'You have tonsillitis, boy!' That was the scariest thing that happened to me!" The doctor said Ahh?? Now there's a doctor I want to go to. One that takes a look at you and runs away screaming. He must go to Dr. Killpatient!

-"I had three really bad things happen to me in one day. And we had a show in front of 35,000 people. I had just broken up with my girlfriend, my dog died and my grandfather went to the hospital. Your dog died? Awww..... When I walked out on to the stage, I didn't think about anything except me and the fellas making those girls out there smile." Breaking up with Amanduhhh was not a bad thing. Well not at first....but it was kind of bad because now you always have Silicon Sarah with you everywhere you go.

-"When we get up on stage, five bottles of water and 10 towels are kept backstage. Every time that we disappear behind the stage to change clothes, we wipe ourselves off fast and drink some water. During each show, each of us loses about 4 pounds." Yeah uh-huh. Sure. 4 pounds a show. AJ is scrawny. And he smokes so I'm assuming he doesn't eat enough to gain 4 pounds a day. So that means after about two weeks of touring, maybe even less, he would die. 10 towels huh? Sooo what do they do with the towels after the show?

"We don't ask for much backstage - just a vegetable platter with dip, some cheese, some crackers, a dozen apples, a dozen oranges, two dozen lemons, three cartons of Oasis orange juice and six bottles of water in a cooler. We also like Coke, orange soda and Grape Crush." Yeah that's not alot. The two dozen lemons is kind of peculiar. 6 bottles of water? I thought you said 5?

"Back in high school, I can think back on how there were a lot of girls that I really liked that didn't want anything to do with me. I did the singing thing just to have something to fall back on in case the dancing thing didn't work out." And now those girls are kicking themselves because you are rich, and soooo sexy now and rich....did i mention rich?

"My first pet cat, I used to mess with this cat all the time. I thought he liked me, but he actually liked my mom. He didn't like me at all." Ahhhh...tell me he did not say that he messed with a cat. I don't think that's what he meant Jaime but if it was ahhhhhhh!

-(As Johnny No Name) "When I sing this song I want everybody in the audience to picture me standing right next to you...COMPLETELY NAKED!" Me standing in the audience: Hey! Did someone just grab my ass? Believe me, you're naked in my mind all the time.

-"Love is a sensation caused by temptation, a guy sticks his location in a girls destination to increase the population for the next generation, do you get my explanation or do you need a demonstration?" I want him to stick his location in my destination! Me first me first!

-"No one's a virgin, life SCREWS us all" I hope not!!! What about the children? Will somebody please think about the children?!?!

-"Sex isn't the answer. Sex is the question, yes is the answer." Hell yes is the answer if you're asking. I like how your mind works AJ! >=)

-"I'm here chillin' in my speedo" AJ in a speedo....ha ha ha.....he's soooo skinny

-"I'm like coffee I grind so fine." GRIND ME AJ!!!

-Q: What turns you on?
"In a woman? Doh, of course!
LOL. Her eyes. And I love women with long fingernails 'cos it feels good on your body. (said in a Homer Simpson valley girl voice) Ewwww...too muuuccchh information...more than I needed to kknnooowww.... I like a woman who isn't afraid to do something on the spur of the moment - like go skydiving, or white-water rafting, or make love naked on a beach in Tahiti. AJ please don't talk about our private moments.... Something just totally off the wall!" Yeah and something that can get you arrested? I hope that's not a public beach AJ.

-"In the beginning, it was all this puppet crap, like management saying, 'No facial hair, no earrings, no girlfriends. If you do have one, you don't ever say you do.' I think the fans actually gained more respect for us for being honest." Yeah most people like it better when you don't lie to them...

-"Being real. That's what makes us special...being real. We have nothing to hide." ::Pulls out several pictures of AJ trying to hide his cigarettes while talking with fans....frowns::

-"I am an abstract person. I am like a Picasso painting. I’m going every which way." careful on what your saying...."I'm going every which way" can be taken more than one way dear.

-"Really, really wack -- we didn't get President's Day off from school, but we got Rodeo Day." Rodeo Day??? Someone from Florida please clue me in here....what the hell is Rodeo Day and what do you do to celebrate? I would expect that from Texas, but Florida?

-"I like to make people happy and please everyone at the same time, but it's not easy. I've got a really big heart, but sometimes it gets in the way and I trip over it." Heh Heh...he likes to please everyone. >=)

-"We had a wonderful time man, I mean even though, we didn't take home any awards, the way I feel about it is I could leave happy with my head high and so could the rest of us, because we had a kick ass performance." (on their appearance at the Grammys in 2000) That perfomance WAS kick ass. It's my favorite performance I've ever seen them do.

-"When you don't know, grow a fro!" Looks like Justin took AJ's advice.

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