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Brian Quotes

Stupid Brian Quotes

-"It's very rewarding to think you're actually affecting lives. I mean, people who can't even speak English are singing our songs and even the American audiences, we've had a lot of loyal fans who have stuck with us a long, long time." Brian I hate to tell you this but you have never inspired anyone or affected their lives...girls just say that cause they have nothing better to say and they're stupid!

-"We'll try to rent out a basketball court somewhere to go play, so you can just kind of get your frustrations out. It's something active besides singing and dancing." And sex. Gross...

-"I'm a real housekeeper. Housekeeping? You want fresh sheets? When I come home from a tour, everything is dusty and I'm sneezing, so I vacuum and mop the floor." With nostrils that huge, I bet you inhale alot of dust.

-"I liked this girl forever and a day, and we were always best friends. Gross But you know those nice guys that you come to talk to when you have a problem with your boyfriend? You know, one of those in-between dudes? That was me to her." Wooopppedddeeeeddddooooo!!

-"Missie the cat was my first pet. It was short for Mischief. Back during high school, I worked at Long John Silver's, and since cats love fish, every time I came home from work after school, she would always come and sleep with me because I smelled like fish." Is that the only reason you smelled like fish? >=) LMAO!!!

-"I was in the hospital for a month and a half of my first-grade year, so I missed a lot of school. I remember that I returned home from the hospital and there was a bicycle waiting for me in front of the house, a yellow and red bicycle with a big banana seat on it. This was 1980, and it's still my favorite bike." And I bet you still fit on it Bri. =D Seriously though, do you think his parents bought him a new bike because they thought he was going to die from the heart thing? What's up with him and bananas? First the bike and then the ugly truck (bleeding banana)....

-"Ever since I was 15, I've been working. One of my first jobs was working at a church that I went to, organizing the sanctuary when people would have weddings." Bible Boyyyyyy!!!! I wonder if Brian would ever have sex in a church?


-"Sex on the TV is bad... You might fall off!" Sounds like a personal experience we don't want to hear about Brian!

-" 'As Long As You Love Me' video. Nigel Dick directed. Lot of fun. Where I met the rest of my life." Bah. Noooo, you knew Nick long before that.

-" No man is worth your tears and the one who is wont make u cry" If Leighanne didn't cry when Brian sang her that song at their wedding, then there is something wrong with her.

-" I have a bad habit of biting my nails, when I'm signing autographs girls say 'You Bite Your Nails?' and I just look at them and smile" What is wrong with those girls? Why are they looking at his nails...look into his beautiful eyes

-"If you love someone put their name in a circle, not a heart...a heart can break but a circle is never ending" awwww =)

-"First you flirt, then chase. It's the way of life." Chase me for once...I'm getting tired of chasing you...

-"I'm a Barbie girl" Riiiiiiiightttt.....Was Brian making fun of Leighbitch?

-"Nick's like the baby brother I never had. I look out for him and help him in any way I can." You must help him a lot huh.... Hahahaha. He called Nick a baby.

-"I think I'd make a loving, caring, understanding boyfriend, who's in touch with his emotions. Or at least I'd like to be." Yeah I think you would make a really good boyfriend. Just don't let your wife get in your way. =)

-"It stinks, and it's hot. I'm scared." Bri must be standing next to Lou Pearlman in an elevator.

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