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Kevin Quotes

Stupid Kevin Quotes

-"We've always believed that if you give of yourselves, you're going to get it back. What goes around comes around." Reeaaallllyyy.....well in that case Kevin, next time your in town, I get to kick you in the ass and send you flying into an audience of 12-year-olds. That sounds like fun...I get to hold him while you kick him!

-"There might be times that I might be sick and not feeling good. But I get on stage and the lights go on and the music comes up - it's gone," I don't want to hear about your gas problems. If its gone than I guess you weren't that sick to begin with.

-"When we're out on the road and we can't make it into the gym, the stage keeps us in pretty good shape." Lately you have not looked like you're in good shape. You look like you're on drugs.

-"One of our security guards is a certified masseuse. Oooohhh.. a masseuse... So in case we get a pulled muscle or something's out of whack, he'll give us a good hook-up before the show." hook-up huh? Rrriiiggghhhtt!

-"Sometimes backstage during one of our meet-and-greets, there will be a child who is terminally ill and it really breaks our hearts. It's sad that anyone has to die from cancer, but a little kid who doesn't even get a chance to live a life -man, I just can't take that. I usually end up crying." =*( =*(

-"We do have the stereotypical burly bodyguards to protect us, yeah thats a lie but they have never had to do anything rougher than hold a few people back from the stage. Promoters don't want the audience standing too close. Why not? I think our bodyguards spend most of their time introducing us to fans so that they can get a quick autograph or photo." Kevin must be smoking crack. He thinks his bodyguards haven't had to do anything rougher than hold people back from the stage? Either Kevin is on a major drug binge, or he only sees what he wants.

-"I always open the car door for a lady, pull her chair out when she sits down and let her order her food first." Yeah that's because you're really old and your generation was raised to be more polite than ours was. *BURPPPP* Kevin doesn't do that for a lady he can't even do that for himself. He probably pays someone to pull his wife's chair out.

-"I can't wait to go to Egypt and see the pyramids someday. That stuff interests me so much. That's why I'm always watching the Discovery Channel." I think he watches it for the naked guys from Africa...=) LOL!

-"I cry in movie theatres all the time. I get that from my grandfather. We're a really sentimental family. Brian is like that as well. When we got our first gold record we bawled like babies!" Aaaaahhhh we got a bunch of giiirrrllllyyyy mmmeenn on our hands!!!!!

-"I'm sort of shy when it comes to making a first move. I like to become friends first so I can tell if they're gonna be interested in me." Does your wife know about your moves Mr. Slick?

-"There was an occasion where we had a girl who moved into town from out of state, and she came to our school. I just thought she was so pretty, and I had the biggest crush on her. Somebody told me that she liked me. I was like, 'No, you've got to be kidding! She likes me?' The next day, I went over to her and she ignored me." Did anyone else laugh when they read this? She ignored "Mr. Body Beautiful" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

-"When I was really, really little, my brother used to scare me with KISS. I was terrified of those guys with all that scary makeup. I was probably like 6 or 7. They had a song called 'God of Thunder.' My brother used to get a kick out of saying, 'All right. Don't do such and such or I'm going to call the God of Thunder tonight and he's gonna come and get you'." OOOhhhhh back in the days when KISS was around....I think I'll ask my grandparents about them? (Just for the record i love KISS and they aren't that old)

-"When I graduated from high school in Kentucky, I enlisted in the Air Force. I asked the recruiter if I could get a little more time to see how the band was going to work out and he said, 'No, you have to go now or you don't go at all!' I was like, 'Fine. Then I'm not going to go, because I want to see how this works out.' This was my number one love, music." You tell him Kevy! Those recruiters are a pain in the ass. They don't give up. For about 6 months after I graduated I was getting calls from all these shithead recruiters that won't take no for an answer. Them: "But what are you planning on doing with your life?" Me: "None of your damn business." *Click* *Ring* Them: "We really think you should reconsider ou-" *Click*


-"If you don't have your health, your family, or your happiness, your career don't mean shit" Your forgetting money...MONEY!

-"I met her in a cafeteria at Walt Disney World. She walked in and it was like someone turned a light on."'s supposed to be when you get an idea, someone turned a light on. Love at first sight is like....I don't know, getting hit by a train or something.

-"Canadians have those cute little accents, eh?" I can do accents. Asian, Indian, British, and Australian to start with. Not that I need to impress the likes of you. =P CANADIANS!!!!! CANADIANS!!!!! CUTE?!?!?! Please no one from CANADA is cute.. CANADA is not even a real country....

-"Yeah, he's my cousin. I've known him all my life, but we've only been in the group together 4 years, but h-he's my cousin" Kevin you're older than Brian, so you couldn't possibly have known him all of your life. He's known you all of his life.

-"When all else fails, you just gotta grab it with your finger, ewww...just stop right there... don't finish the sentence...but then you got it falling off the plate, then see, it doesn't work." Ohhhh he he he ...what were you thinking? Pervert!

-"Be quiet, Nick!" Don't tell Nick to be quiet you old fart!

-"We've been together every day for four years now....It's like family. I never had a little brother, now I've got four." And one is your cousin? Ewwww....

-"Sexiness isn’t something that’s put on. It just naturally comes out of you." How the fuck would you know? I guess the other guys must have told you that. Hmmm....well actually you used to be sexy....maybe it just "naturally came out of you" until it was all gone.

-"The fellas probably think I'm the hardest or the roughest or the meanest, but I'll cry at the drop of a hat sometimes." ::kicks Kevin:: PLEH!

-"AJ gets picked on a lot by the rest of us, but he brings it on himself. We have specific rules and stuff which he sometimes doesn't like to follow. He's a bit of rebel, our AJ." Oh god...I can only guess some of Grandpa Kevins specific rules....No noise or loud music after 9:00pm......

-"It's a growing process that lots of artist have been through. You grow, and when you prove yourself, you renegotiate and you get things right, so to speak." SHUT UP KEVIN! AHHHH!!!

-"I'm kinda the big brother, being the oldest, so I try to keep everyone in line. I can be a little rough on the chaps, but they know I don't mean it." chaps?

-"It looks like your thing. You know....your thing. Yeah..your THING!" Who's thing?

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