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Nick Quotes

Stupid Nick Quotes

-"I would never skydive because there is always that one out of a hundred chance that your parachute won't open, and that scares me to death. I don't feel like falling straight down." Well if thats your logic than....I guess you can't go scuba diving, there is always a chance a shark could eat you.....=P Hmmm....I would have no problem jumping out of an airplane with a parachute on. That wouldn't scare me. It would be the plane ride up until that point that scared me.

-"The number one fear I have, even though I am a scuba diver and I've had a license for a long time...I could never stand sharks." Which is why you tattooed one on your arm? Uhhh...huhhh!!!!!!

-"I love the ocean. It's the peacefulness that's out there. You go out on a boat, you spend time by yourself, you listen to the water. The wind is blowing. There's fresh air. It's great." When do you have time for all that? You go to the beach and you've got about 1,000 girls following you!

-"Bri mixes together weird flavours of ice cream. Would anyone else put chocolate chip mint on top of pineapple sherbet and then put caramel sauce on it all? Yuck!" Don't knock it...till you try it! I know I try weird stuff..nothing wrong with that!

-"When I was in high school, for some reason, the girls didn't like me. I remember trying to ask a few girls out and they said, 'No." For some reason? For some reason they didn't like you? I'm sure its not that massive ego or anything. Oh yeah, and high school? Didn't Nick join the BSB when he was in junior high? I don't think he went to high school. Nicks high school included AJ and Brian???? Hmmm.... LOL!! Nick: would you like to go get an icecream after class??

-"I would never get another dog like my first pet, Scraps. He was a little Pekinese. He had a flat face, black ears and he was all brown and tan. He used to run around our yard like a chicken with its head cut off. He was crazy!" Ahhhhhhhh!!! A chicken with its head cut off??? Why??? Why would you cut off the head of a chicken??? It's okay. I'm okay. Chicken Girl #1 are you okay? I think so...I still have my head? Thats a good sign right?

-"I just loved having fun more than anything, and I had a big imagination. My best friend was Brent, and basically we were just crazy. BASICALLY!!! AHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH!!! We did everything, We used to buy these fake swords and go out and have fun playing around in the woods." Maybe I just have a sick mind, but that sounds really disgusting.

-"I had a pretty hard time in school. I was doing a lot of acting and stuff like that and I always had to leave school. All the kids would wonder why I left. I wasn't quite respected by any of them because they were jealous." Jealous huh? Does anyone else picture Jane Carter talking to her son? "What do you mean nobody likes you Nicky? They're just jealous, that's all. They all wish they could be like my little star." I hate Jane Carter! I wouldn't be surprised if that woman was CANADIAN!!!!!!!!!

-"Is Norway in Sweden?" Classic Nick quote. Could not have a Nick quote page without this one. Nick still doesn't know the answer to that question...poor nick...

-"I'm sorry, I just had a brain fart." And that happens on average....what, maybe about 64 times a day? 64? I think your being to nice!


-"... I know! But they bunch up when I put these spandex things on!" What bunches up? You know what bunches up =) You're right I do, I just didn't want to think about it.

-Q: How long do you think you guys will be performing?
"Until we can do a cane-routine"
Aren't they doing a cane routine right now? Scary...

-"Sometimes I shut up cause I'm afraid I don't have anything interesting to tell anyway." Smart thinking Nick...

-"There was one show where I ripped the back of my pants out. We had done a move, and it felt like it ripped, but I wasn't sure. But then I felt this breeze and I put my hand back there and I could actually touch my whole butt! That was pretty bad." If anyone has pictures of this show, please send them to me. Nicks butt....awwwww ::drooling::

-"I trying to be bad, but nobody will let me." I'll let you be bad....very very bad. >=)

-"We are not perfect, and obviously we don't want to be considered as some sort of gods. Or have you ever seen gods with pimples??" Sorry Nick, I don't see gods that often. I wouldn't know.

-nick: this is nick watch 10, reporting live at the backstreet boys video shoot
howie: your name is nick carter, not nick washten
I think he knows that..well maybe not, it is Nick we're talking about....
nick: no, this is nick watch, nick watch 10, like, like, news, watch 8, channel 8, you know what i'm sayin? No not really
howie: oh, i thought you said nick washten
nick: you know what? no, man, you totally ruined it. we'll be back.

-" I've got a wet bum!" Nick, some things should be kept to yourself...okay? My bum is on the bus! My bum is on the bus! Remember? Don't you all just love private jokes?

-"I never hang my feet off the end of my bed- I'm afraid little Gremlins will bite my toes! Really!" Gremlins won't bite your toes...I will... Mmmm toe jam!

-"This is a rare glimpse of my stomach. I don't usually show it because I am tummy shy." "Tummy" mean your GUT Now he's going to be surfing some humor sites and see that you called him fat and he'll go cry to another magazine.....hahahaha. That would be really funny.

-(referring to Fatima)"She's the greatest dancer alive, I think." Now don't you hurt that pretty little head of yours trying to think. You were put on this earth to stand there and look hot. Don't screw up.

-"I think one thing that's really cool is, American fans pay attention. They study you. And in a way it's very cool, because you know they're paying attention to what you sound like." Or maybe they're just hypnotized watching that ghetto booty of yours bounce back and forth.

-"When life gives you a lemon, ask for an orange." When life gives you a Kevin, ask for a Nick, Brian, Howie or AJ.

-"I'm a lawn gnome." Riiiiiigggghhhttt.....

-"When we recorded the last album, I was going through a...transitional stage. I wasn't impressed with my voice. So I'm really happy with what's come out on this album." Trasitional stage?? Nick...say it with me now: P-U-B-E-R-T-Y!

-"I last cried when we visted a children's hospital. It made me really, really sad. But I didn't let anyone know I'd cried as I don't like to show my innermost feelings." Awwwwww... Awwwwwww ::hugs Nick::

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