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Items You Might Find Under Nick Carter's Couch Cushions

We were browsing one day, when we came across a fascinating article. After reading it and then laughing hysterically at the concept of someone purchasing Nick's old furniture, we had some interesting thoughts . Read on.

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter Auctions Couch
Backstreet Boy and current Tampa resident Nick Carter is auctioning off his autographed sectional couch to benefit the Tampa Children's Hospital. The couch is split into three sections, and each individual autographed piece is up for bid. The auction is taking place in conjunction with the Brandon Ford dealership ( and Tampa television station WFTS ABC 28 ( Paul Levine, the owner and president of Brandon Ford, explained to LAUNCH how Carter's couch ended up behind red velvet ropes in the middle of his automobile showroom.
"Well, I happen to be friends with Nick, and Nick told me that he was thinking about getting some new furniture and he was gonna get rid of the old, and we decided to take the couch right out of his house," he explained. "We brought it down to the dealership here -- Brandon Ford -- and we brought him down here and we had him autograph all three pieces of the couch. We're auctioning off all three pieces separately, or somebody can actually buy all three pieces and have the whole couch."
Levine added that the auction is for a good cause. "Yeah, it's going to Tampa Children's Hospital at St. Joseph's Hospital. We've done some other things with Tampa Children's Hospital before. We've auctioned off some backstage passes that brought a lot of money for them," he said. "We also had a charity basketball game for them in March and raised another $80,000 for the charity in March."
The couch can be viewed in person at Brandon Ford, located at 9090 Adamo Drive in Tampa, and all sections are being sold as is. The winning bidder must take delivery at Brandon Ford within 72 hours of the auction close on Sunday (May 28).
LAUNCH asked Levine if he plans to auction off any more of the Backstreet Boys's personal items for charity in the future. "We haven't talked about it, but there's always that possibility; you never know. We'll have to see. We've taken his couch. I don't know what's next, but I'm not sure I want to go there," he quipped. -- Jason Gelman, New York

***The exciting conclusion of the drama that is Nick Carter's couch***
Three lucky, deep-pocketed fans will soon be able to lounge the Backstreet Boys way after shelling out a combined $1,600 for portions of a couch once owned by the group's Nick Carter. Carter put three pieces of his sectional sofa on the online auction block on Sunday for the benefit of the Tampa Children's Hospital. The Backstreet blond autographed the noteworthy furniture before putting it on the block with the help of Tampa's Brandon Ford and WFTS ABC Channel 28. In the realm of boy band bidding, the items went for a relative song, as the sofa's middle section went to Fawn from Albuquerque for $650; one end went to Holly from Savannah, Georgia for $500; and the other end went to Stacy from Allen Park, Michigan for $450. The auction was the brainchild of Brandon Ford honcho Paul Levin, a neighbor and friend of Carter's who encouraged the singer to put his furniture on the auction block.
-- Tina Johnson

When we finished reading this article, we had two thoughts. The first was "Did Nick have sex on that couch?"
The second was "Nick is probably a messy person. Maybe he didn't check under the cushions before he put the couch up for auction."
You just have to feel sorry for the person who ends up with that couch and sticks their hand under the cushions only to find something really sticky. Not to mention the weird smells. So we decided to compile a list of items that the person with the highest bid might find under Nick Carter's couch cushions:

- Smushed twinkies
- Chunky pug puke
- Video game instruction booklets
- Spare house key
- Pug piss
- “Mastering the English Language: Book 2 of 35”
- Half a bottle of ketchup
- Willa's expired birth control pills
- A glass eye
- Never before seen nude pictures of Leighanne
- High School diploma with “Brian Littrell” crossed out and “Nick Carter” written below it
- Beanie babies covered in drool
- “Nirvana: The Complete Discography” -Hey Nick, tell us again which Nirvana album came first?
- Small piece of paper with “Combination to safe is 1-2-3-4-5” scribbled on it
-3 ziplock bags full of grass from his front lawn
- A copy of “The Heart and Soul of Nick Carter-By: Jane Carter” with “DYE BIATCH!” scribbled across the front in black permanent marker
-“Abs and Arms of Steel” video (obviously that wasn't working)
-The latest issue of BOP

The following items were sent in by BFsmile4***
-moldy pizza
-a whole nintendo set (he hid it under there so he could say that he lost it so that the easter bunny would bring him another one for the room next to the nintendo room) we know what nick does to aaron when aaron gets annoying
-7 copies of black and blue
-a shark tooth
-a whistle in case he got lost
-so thats where nick hid brian's tyke
-all of howies lost luggage
-aj's chin stub
-kevin's old ninja turtle suit
-Everything that Brian, Kevin, AJ, and Howie ever lost
-a teeny bopper
-nicks hair (he saved it when he got it cut) ya case he wanted it back

The following items were sent in by computerkid87***
-Anti-Willa Ford Membership Club card
-deflated basketball
-Aaron Carter
-demotape from the old-school early days

Pics of Nick on alleged auctioned couch

We received an email from a girl who has part of the couch Nick auctioned off. LOL. Funny stuff!

my name's Stacey, and i'm one of the girls that won a section of Nicks couch, and i thought i'd email you and tell you what was between the cushions. Well, basically nothing, besides a peanut, money, and candle wax. I also talked to the girl that got the middle section, and she said she had found a book, and a pink ball (for cats or dogs to play with..). I never got back with her to see what the book was. By the way, i like your site. If you'd like a picture of the couch, just ask. Bye, keep up the good work too!

Think of something to add to the list? Please Email us with "Things under Nick's couch cushions"
Chicken Girl #1

Chicken Girl #2

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