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Top Ten Cute Things They've Done That Made Us
Love Them More --It's not as cheesy as it sounds.
Okay maybe it is. Too Bad.

10. The way Howie falls asleep in the weirdest places. (i.e. leaning against a cone on the set of their video)

9. During the Disney in concert special, when Kevin talks about his chaps before he goes horseback riding "They're a little tight aren't they?" Actually Kev, they're perfect. >=)

8. In the song 'It's True' when they sing the chorus the last time and they boys say "It's true, I mean it" and you hear AJ in the background say "No, *I* mean it!"

7. Nick belching on Jay Leno.

6. This picture:

5. Brian talking about his dogs as if they're his children.

4. Right before MTV aired the "Backstreet Boys Favorite Spring Break Videos," they showed a little promo of the boys saying "Coming up next," etc. and Nick knocked over his drink while he was talking. When it spilled, it started going everywhere. The other boys jumped back and they all gave Nick a classic look that said "You are a fucking retard."
Here's a picture of it:

3. The look on Howie's face right before he began to sing the National Anthem at the Superbowl. It was a 'shit your pants you're so scared' kind of moment.

2. Nick not being able to read the simplest things. (i.e. Backstreet TV in 1999, "I can't pronou--....I can't pronounce this....--is Rosario??"

1. At various award shows, when one of them thanks God, they all look up towards the ceiling. I don't think he's sitting up in the balcony boys.

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