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This is actually Lit's tourbus, but you get the idea.

Top 10 Things Overheard on Their Tourbus
(We know they all have separate tour buses now. =P Just pretend they don't.)

10. "Nick, you're cleaning this up."
9. "Kevin if you take any longer in the bathroom, I'm going to piss into your suitcase."
8. "Stop winking at me Howie."
7. "We left Nick at the gas station again."
6. "Brian get your damn dog off my leg!"
5. "What the hell is this and why is it on the floor?"
4. "Who wants to help me get the STICK out of Kevins ASS?"
3. "God Dammit!! Stop taking my underwear!"
2. "Ew! Put that away. Nobody wants to see that.....NO! Don't hang it out the window!"
1. "What the fuck is that smell?"

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