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Chicken Girl #1=Amy
Chicken Girl #2=Jaime

Chicken Girl #2-Gosh, where do I start? Someone should inform JC and Joey that putting their faces that close to the camera only makes their oversized noses look bigger. Speaking of Joey, I'd say that the hookers he ordered the night before never showed up. Or maybe they took one look at him and ran away screaming "Help! Angry gorilla!!" Ok..onto Chris. He looks even worse than usual if that's possible. He looks sickly. Hmm...Justin-nice hair. ::snicker:: That hairstyle just screams gaylord. Lance looks so happy I want to repeatedly smack him in the face with his No Dicks Attached CD.
Chicken Girl #1- First off, Chris looks like he is on drugs. Joey looks like he is going to kill the camera guy because lunch is starting and the photo shoot is running into his eating time. I'm sorry JC your nose is still big even when you turn your head side ways. Is it me or does Lance look like he is wearing a girls shirt. And last but not least we have Justin. Now I know his necklace is a cross but doesn't it look like like some kind of beetle or bug crawling on his shirt?

Chicken Girl #1- Ewww....What is wrong with his head? This is just disgusting.
Chicken Girl #2-AAAAHHHHH!!! What the hell is this? This makes me think that Lance's parents might have met at a family renunion.

Chicken Girl #2- Yes, that's right Justin, your new book has only sold 5 copies. Chris felt the need to disguise himself before he bought a copy. That's nice that Joey's trying to learn how to read, but someone should tell him that he has the book sideways. JC just looks way too proud of that book. What a suprise-Lance is pleasuring himself while looking at pictures of him and his 4 lovers.
Chicken Girl #1- Yes...this makes me want to run out and buy this "great" book.

Chicken Girl #1-JC looks very peaceful and calm so he must be listening to a BSB song. See he knows good music when he hears it, unlike you teenyboppers out there who claim that Nsuck is better than BSB.
Chicken Girl #2- JC and the boys have been instructed by their management to listen to what good music sounds like (The Backstreet Boys) and try to sound more like them.

Chicken Girl #2- Joey: Chris is only holding that award so I won't eat it.
Justin: It's an award with multiple purposes. I'll be borrowing that later.
Chris: Yeah, after I'm done with it.
Lance: We are such studs. I'm glad JC decided to wear the purple. He looks so hot tonight.
JC: If I fall asleep smiling, the guys will never know the difference.

Chicken Girl #1- Is the picture distorted or are their faces naturally deformed? I mean take JC for an example, the left side of his face caves in.

Chicken Girl #1- The way he is holding the stuffed animal and the smile on his face brings a bad mental image into my head. You know once he is by himself he is going to take advantage of that poor bear.
Chicken Girl #2- Apparantly Joey isn't getting enough sex from pre-pubescent girls. Now he's raping stuffed animals. Wonderful.

Chicken Girl #2-Yay! It's the Babysitters Club! I bet they like, tell each other like, everything! That is so special!
We're always saying that Lance would make a pretty girl, but from looking at this picture, I'd say JC and Chris probably would too.

Chicken Girl #1-Oh my god...they are like sooo fine in this picture!!! I mean Justin and Joey have those cute smiles. Chris and Lance have that SEXY look down. Jc is going for that anorexic look and might I say it is working for him. Just Kidding...=) They all look like FAGS...WHICH THEY ARE!!

Chicken Girl #1- He is just soooooo ugly. Did he forget that he had bleach in his hair?
Chicken Girl #2-That's disgusting. Is that cottage cheese on top of his head? I think he needs to smear some on his eyebrows to match.

Chicken Girl #2-Ooh...deformities all around. They look like the poster children for the newest "Don't Use Heroin" campaign.
Chicken Girl #1-I have to agree with Chicken Girl #2 on the deformities but I want everyone to remember, we did not tamper with any of these pictures. They are naturally this retarded looking.

Chicken Girl #1-Joey: HE HE HE I'm Superman HE HE I fly! HE HE HEHE Zooommm HE HEHE HE I'm Superman!
Chicken Girl #2-What a faggot. Only Joey Fatone would get off on a picture of his own head on Superman's body. Actually, it looks like he's so excited he's going to piss himself. It's okay Joey. You're not really Superman. Calm down.

Chicken Girl #2-Joey: Gimme some sugar baby!
Lance: Okay...Oh no! Look Joeypoo, it's a camera. Now Justin will find out I'm cheating on him! What will I do?

Chicken Girl #1-Lance: RAPE!!! RAPE!!! JUSTIN HELP ME!!!!
Joey: Shut-up!!! Your little Justin isn't going save you now, I have someone entertaining him!!!
Justin: Take it off CHRIS!!! WOOO!!!

Chicken Girl #1- Is it me or does this guy get uglier and uglier in each picture?? I mean the hair...and nose...could they be any bigger??
Chicken Girl #2-...Riiiight....I do not understand what girls find sexy about this guy. He always looks like he just came back from the war or something. I guess that's what drugs do to you. Remember, just say no.

What a shocker, there's more bad pics of Nsuck

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